Wild Centaur Species in World of Gods | World Anvil
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Wild Centaur

A species of roaming Centaurs that maraud around South Belahir in highly interbred tribes, making camps in the mountains and sparsely wooded areas and ravaging villages for supplies.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

They were designed by Ruler to be a noble warrior steed, and as such mature quickly, reaching adulthood after only a year, but mature fully after 30 years, after which they steadily decline, becoming weaker and weaker, more vulnerable to disease and injury until they are killed by one or another, usually being ritually executed at 40, but sometimes they run away from their tribe or gain knowledge that is considered too valuable and live out their full life, living to 75.

Ecology and Habitats

They were designed to live in forests or regal cities, and as such survive best there, although they seem to have taken well to colder forests and mountainous climates.

Biological Cycle

In warming they shed fur from their horse bodies and regrow it during cooling.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They make close knit tribes with a leadership of a chief, which is usually the descendant of the Centaur who led them out of bondage.


They cannot be domesticated.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found in the mountains and forests of South Belahir.

Average Intelligence

They are generally very smart, learning their first language within days and any subsequent language just a few months, although it rarely extends beyond being good at languages.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They give each member of the tribe one out of a set of slightly modified Elven names that they pass down through generations.

Average Technological Level

They struggle with making anything out of metal, but are proficient with making and using stone tools.


They were created by Ruler as steeds for the Elves. During the end of the Great War, many groups of Centaurs broke off from the main forces, creating many wild tribes that still plague Suthphor and the southern part of Belahir, running around South Belahir freely, which became known as Wild Centaurs.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They hate both Elves and Dragonborn.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
40 years
Average Height
7 1/2ft
Average Weight
2500 lbs
Average Length
8 1/2ft

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