Terence Gardener Character in World of Darkness | World Anvil
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Terence Gardener

'I saw 'im! He chased that duskborn through London. Found the lick in a bar on the South side of the Thames. Whispered somethin' in 'er ear - she walked out and... well... She was torn in two away from Kine eyes. The thing is, he was laughing while he did it. Sadistic mother fucker.'
The life of a Scourge is not one many Kindred would opt take. Many time the position of Scourge is dictated by the Regent of a domain. It takes a select few who can stomach such a task. Luckily for London, their Scourge, Terrence Gardener, loves the job. The Ventrue takes sadistic pleasure in not only tearing apart his targets, but also in the thrill of the hunt. His methods make even the most jaded Kindred a tad squimish.    Terence was a mortal ghoul who was positioned by his Vampiric masters in the 60's. His reward was his eventual embrace. He was bought in as a Blue Blood, but seemingly had no ambition or drive when it came to rising up the ranks of the Ivory Tower . It was during a Blood Hunt for a Sabbat rogue that Queen Anne saw potential in the young fledgling as Scourge for the Camarilla. In the role he has flourished, killing target after target that the Queen sends his way.    You can only deny your blood for so long however. There are rumours, the Ventrue is vying for a higher position of power. His blood lust and disregard for humanity make him a potential dangerous foe for Queen Anne's rule. It is only a matter of time before Terrence bites the hand that feeds.

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