Edward Bainbridge Character in World of Darkness | World Anvil
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Edward Bainbridge

'I hear the Tremere Primogen was in hot water with the higher echelons of the Pyramid. His subservience to the Blue Bloods was a sticking point - also the rumours of him sharing the clan secrets with London's court. Lucky for him Carna split all ties to the Elders ae?'
The clan of Warlocks have always been estranged in Kindred society, always held at arms length. The blood sorcerers have shown their usefulness - but their connection to the occult and history of diablerie cause many Kindred to not trust most from the clan. The same is true within the domain of London. The Tremere have been pushed out of London mostly, this is due to old political games that saw Queen Anne banish most Tremere in her domain. The few remaining Tremere that sit in any power of authority have rolled over in subservience to their Ventrue masters. Edward Bainbridge, the Tremere Primogen Council , is one who has accepted his role in London as beneath Clan Ventrue.    An accomplished academic and a scholar of the occult mysteries of Africa, Edward has weathered over a century of leadership of his clan by acknowledging the superiority of London’s Ventrue, and by staying out of Kindred politics as much as possible. This has caused issues with Edward in the past from his own Clan. Tremere are known to be very insular and serve the Clan before the domain or their sect. Lucky for Edward, there were few fellow Warlocks in London to confront him for his transgressions against his own clan.    Edward stays out of the London court for the most part, only offering advice and wisdom when issues surround his occult area of expertise. In exchange for his help and open attitude when it comes to Blood Sorcery, Queen Anne has given Bainbridge Carte Blanche with his own research and occult experiments. It is rumoured that the Tremere is looking into dark, forbidden Blood Sorcery. Gargoyles may be a thing of the past; but some who have flirted with Edward Bainbridge's sphere of influence note that he collects occult tomes relating to Gargoyles and their creation. He has also been seen consorting with members of the newly minted clan, Hecata. The Hecata's knowledge on Necromatic Oblivion and Bainbridge's knowledge on Blood Sorcery is a dangerous combination.

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