Critias, "Doctor" Character in World of Darkness | World Anvil
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Critias, "Doctor"

Yo, did that guy talk to you? You know, that bald mother fucker with the big beard. Yeah, well he told me of this place where they can teach us... You know, with our problem -- Eternal Academy or some shit like that.
— Overheard at an Antifa rally
  Member of the Primogen Council, representative of clan Brujah. Critias is possibly the last of the Brujah Primogen in the Camarilla. This is mainly due to Critias' age, he is likely the eldest kindred still active within Chicago. With the beckoning calling Elders to the Middle East, Critias has found himself as one of the only ancients still active in Kindred society.   Critias is an ancient Brujah, who remembers the times when his Clan was one of warrior-philosophers and not of rambling anarchists. Critias spends most of his time distant from Camarilla politics, the never Jyhad growing tiring on the elder kindred. Instead, Critias mainly stays to his domain in Chicago University. He barely attends Primogen meetings or Elysium and nobody is particularly keen to enforce them on a Kindred with such power.   Most of Critias' time is either spent on campus, where he teaches select courses under the guise of a tenured professor. He also runs a secret school for Kindred called the Eternal Academy. This is a move supported by Prince Kevin Jackson. It is a place where those not within the Camarilla to be taught the ways and traditions of the Ivory Tower.   Being an ancient vampire and a Brujah, Critias has a long list of adversaries and detractors. Some whispers point to Critias being an Anarch double agent, with the Eternal Academy as a front to build an army underneath the Prince. Though these rumours are just that at this stage, rumours. The Brujah's position in Chicago is already waning after Theo Bell killed Hardestat at the Convention in Prague. A defection from a Brujah elder may push the Prince to fully renounce clan Brujah from Chicago, something that Critias' chide, Damien would suffer greatly from.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Primogen Council representative for clan Brujah
Year of Birth
423 BC 2435 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, White
Aligned Organization

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