Sparkles Character in World of Darkness | World Anvil
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No one knows what Sparkles' real name is. He's ravenbreed, and delights in playing to the worst stereotypes of his kind — specifically, the corvids' legendary obsession with shiny objects.   Sparkles is part of the flock that makes the Tower of London its base of operations, and is universally acknowledged as the ringleader of that merry band of idiots. When not showing off for tourists or dive-bombing Beefeater guards, Sparkles also coordinates all of the Corax of Britain into a highly disciplined (if not always sober) information-gathering force, and his contacts extend up into Scotland and across the Irish Sea as well. If anything supernatural happens in the British Isles, Sparkles knows about it within the hour, and the Corax response (if one is demanded) is underway shortly thereafter.   There are only two reasons for Sparkles to drop into homid form (he actually prefers to read the paper in bird shape; he'll perch behind someone reading on a park bench and do an over-the-shoulder read). One reason is to meet with one of his near-infinite information sources, most of whom would be rather disconcerted to discover they're swapping news with a bird. For these folks, Sparkles has a variety of guises he'll adopt: drug dealer, band promoter, music magazine reporter, police informant, and he'll often go through four or five fictional identities in a single afternoon.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1854 AD 46 Years old
Short Black
5' 11"


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