Argot Gloomward Character in World of Azocar | World Anvil

Argot Gloomward

Argot Gloomward is a career criminal and typifies the prejudice that many feel for the people he comes from. This is to say the denizens of the Shadows, many of whom are descended from refugees that flowed into the city during and after the Horde Wars at the end of the Fifth Age of Azocar. Now, more than three decades later, Argot is little more than a common street thug. That is changing, however.   Argot has always aspired to be a better man, despite his repeated failings. Recently, he became enamored with a new type of weapon and he took it. Argot justified the theft by "promising" himself that he'd turn his life around. So that's the path he is on now. He's shied away from street crime and is looking for adventure elsewhere. For something more noble, or at least more legitimate, for him to do.

A career criminal, Argot has always been akin to the shortsighted example of what most Suzeranians think of the refugees who came to their city as a result of the Horde Wars and their descendants. He harbors few personal allegiances but he seems to have found a new focus by way of a stray encounter with an exotic weapon, an arquebus.

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Date of Birth
about 10 bCA

Session 4


Jewel Mine

Jewel Mine - North of City.   Vegetation warped in the area around a pit-like hole, and there were no signs of a mine despite being in the right location. Unnatural creatures lived there, horrors beyond compare. Two dead bodies found by a tent, a strange lime green object in the fire.

The Journal Entry’s title

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Anam 3 - Spring

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