Frost Character in World of Avalon | World Anvil
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Frost was born a standard arctic fox within the Kingdom of Ice, able to withstand the cold climate and still be able to make a living for themself. They began working in their parents' merchant business from a young age starting with "counting" money while they were little all the way up to essentially being able to run the business for their parents when they need to. On one trip back from getting goods from a village near the border Frost found themself kidnapped by a fanatic group whose goals were to sow chaos while also learning how to be able to harness the power of magical creatures. They had somehow gotten their hands on a white dragon's soul and transplanted it into Frost alongside their original soul before kicking them back out into the frozen landscape. It would be many months before Frost was able to return home as they had to fight to be able to control this dragon's power, instincts, and urges inside of them. While far from perfect at it, they've at least been able to return home to work with their parents again, though they are unable to work with clear gems and crystals like diamonds otherwise they may become overwhelmed by their dragon's instincts. They live life one day at a time now, trying their best to keep these new instincts and urges under control as well as the magical abilities that come with them.

The child of two arctic fox merchants, Frost grew up in the merchant business. On one solo trip they were kidnapped by a fanatic group and had the soul of a white dragon transplanted into them making them a fox-dragon hybrid.

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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White and blue fur, scales beneath are an almost iridescent icy color
170 lbs


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