Black Orc Species in World Mox | World Anvil

Black Orc

A 'purer' Orc some have called them. They are larger, stronger, and less reckless than their Green Orc counterparts. They have the mental fortitude to resist the constant rage in their blood and have managed to use that urge productively.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The Orc racial gene is said to be one of the more dominant genes, second only to Dragon. When an Orc mates, it is a 50% chance that a full Orc will be born and 50% chance that a half-orc will be born. For a Black Orc, the chance for a full orc increases to 75-80%.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs typically mature and age far quicker than the other races and black orcs are no different. They are capable of walking and running within the first month of birth and are just shy of 4 ft when they reach age 10. Their height nearly doubles in the next decade, before plateauing after age 24.

Ecology and Habitats

Black Orcs are proud of and renowned for their ability to adapt and survive in the harshest of conditions. They are hunters and scavengers and will take from their surroundings typically no more than they need to survive, unless they are in what they consider enemy territory in which case they will indulge themselves greatly.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

A set of Tusks in the upper and lower jaw.

Average Intelligence

Their intelligence is not uniquely high or low, though their disposition to the rage in their blood leaves them predisposed to the more aggressive courses of action.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They no longer suffer the aversion to light that their Green Orc cousins do.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

They are typically seen in mercenary roles, the Aliskiren Warrior guild, but mostly in the Sailune Military. Orcs typically enjoy the draft and love the chance to be sent over to Solaris to fight and defend their motherland.

Beauty Ideals

The greater the wounds and larger the scars, the greater the Orc appears to the opposite sex. Both genders value strength and equate that to beauty.

Gender Ideals

Male and female black orcs are considered equal. Strength and vitality is paramount regardless of gender.

Courtship Ideals

Courting a black orc involves fighting of some type. Earning the respect of the other is more important than victory. If you manage to convince the black orc of your ability to fight, defend not just yourself but the future family, then the courtship can be considered a full success.

Relationship Ideals

The stronger one will go out to fight and defend the family while the weaker one will raise the children. There are just as many male caretakers as they are female; for a male to partner with someone stronger than them is no more looked down upon as the House is stronger because of it.

Common Etiquette Rules

In private settings, they typically forgo silverwear, opting to just pour into their mouths or tear into their meat like their ancestors did.

Common Dress Code

The more skin shown, the better. They are typically topless with the exception of any armor they might opt to don.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The concept of family is paramount. They have the belief that it does take a tribe to raise a child and frequently you will see an Orc reprimanding a child they do not know when they misbehave, whether or not that child is an orc.


Before Ira the Unifier, they were small bands of Black Orcs that roamed the continent and wreaked havoc and raided wherever they went. However Ira showed them a future where they could test their mettle against "Knights" fully armored soldiers of Sailune that they would otherwise never get a chance to fight due to their quick paced raiding practices and inability to go into full on war for risk of losing their whole tribe.   The chance to constantly fight against greater foes than peasants and farmers and children was too appealing to pass up and agreed to temporary peace agreement that would later become permanent under Queen Amaris.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The black orc tends to look down at the green orc, like one might if they had a weak and sickly younger brother. The green orc will typically view the black orc as a rival or leader figure in that they will eventually need to overcome and beat.   The other races acknowledge that the black orc lacks the destructive tendencies of the Green Orc and, though will infinitely scarier, are preferable in the eyes of the races.
40 years
Average Height
7 - 7'6"
Average Weight
200 - 350 lbs.
Average Physique
Either very strong and muscular or incredibly toned. Very rarely will you see a black orc overweight due to their high metabolism.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tanned to pure black.


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