Realm of Nightmares Physical / Metaphysical Law in Wolf Mania | World Anvil


Realm of Nightmares

For thousands of years, the Kazumi Clan has held a ceremony for the people of Ethor Island to come together and fend off the horrors that slip through an archway portal in the center of a brick path. It has become a tradition to protect the world from the infernals that use the portal as a doorway to cross and torment mortals for centuries to come.


On the day of a fox moon, the portal surges with power, sending pulses throughout the island. The Seer of the Kazumi Clan can sense the pulses and they warn Father, the head of the clan, to get the young to safety while the Champions gather at the portal. The plan is swiftly pushed into motion.  
by Amelia Nite (Stable Diffusion)
The portal is massive, standing the height of a three-story building, and curves into an archway. Ten sharp, jutting horns curve out of the top of the archway with fiery-orange swirls carved into the portal that begin to glow when the fox moon shines down upon the portal.   Night has always fallen when the Champions, Father, and the Seer gather in front of the portal, weapon and magick talismans in hand. The portal begins to glow an ominous orange transitioning into a red until swirls form in the center. Images of horrific creatures can be seen inching forward as it fills from side to side and top to bottom.   The Kazumi Clan strikes into action from the moment infernals exit the portal. A grisly battle rages on from the second the first infernal steps out until the sun rises and the portal closes, sealing off the rest of the infernals. The infernals left behind are quickly slaughtered, while some escape. It is unknown what these free infernal do, but some speculate they are heading to take over the world.

Table of Contents

by Amelia Nite (Stable Diffusion)
Metaphysical, Demonic


The Kazumi Clan looks forward to this yearly event as a way to test their skills and take credit for being Infernal Slayers. These titles aren't widely known and only those on Ethor Island or the Futrya Empire know of them.

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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