Baltic's Engagement Document in Wolf Mania | World Anvil


Baltic's Engagement

For many generations, the royal Pike Family has always made it a tradition to hold a royal announcement to the public about the Crown Prince's engagement to a beautiful noblewoman. These engagements are important for the royal family to continue their bloodline and present a pure lineage for their people. This particular engagement belongs to Baltic Pike.


The entire purpose of the announcement is for the Crown Prince to step forward and address his people on who the next Queen of the kingdom will be.


The King will introduce and step away from the balcony. As the prince steps forward, he must present himself in an orderly fashion and appear poised while he gives his speech. This speech can last anywhere between ten to thirty minutes depending on how much thought was put into the speech. The longer the speech, the more disinterested the people grow. After the speech is made, the prince calls his fiancée up to the balcony and they share a kiss, cementing their engagement to the public.

Document Structure


Their engagement can only be called off by the King, which can be done so if one or both of them are caught cheating, one of them dies, or the fiancée is found harboring the desire to overthrow the crown.


If the fiancée is found to have cheated on the Crown Prince, the fiancée will be stripped of her title and banished from the lands, while her family is publicly shamed for quite a while.

Legal status

The document binds the two lovers publicly and under the rule of the King, the document is valid until one or both of them break it.

Historical Details


The first royal engagement happened centuries ago and was the political union of two noble families that desired to join their nations and end a thousand-year war between their people.

Table of Contents

Announcement, Invitation
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth
Ratification Date
18th of Oihss, 2039 OA
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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