
The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with a Necromatic Spore Corpse is that, when you are burning a body, it's not actually feeling the pain. The screams are just for attracting attention.
— Keres Medical Guide To Harvesting And Managing Necromatic Spore Corpses

Sporeburners are individuals that are hired to erase any trace of Necromatic Spore from an area. Either working with technology or with magic, Sporeburners act to reduce the amount of Necromatic Spore in an area for public safety.



Sporeburners typically require training in the usage of flamethrowers or casting fire spells, specifically precision-based types of fire. Alongside that, Sporeburners have to be good at handing rough and unpleasant smells, as the fumes released from the burning of Necromatic Spores are said to be rather horrendous. The most important thing, however, is that they are to have undergone psychological evaluation beforehand, to see if they will be capable for the task.

Other Benefits

Alongside the usual payment per hour with cleaning up Necromatic Spores, Sporeburners are given life insurance as well as a government-mandated guarantee that if they were to suddenly expire on the job, their corpse will immediately be burnt to prevent the infestation and spread of further Spores.



Due to the risk of contamination from Necromatic Spores, whether it's causing more corpses to come to life and spread, or just the messy nature of it's formation causing dark areas to quickly become covered in them in mere days, a Sporeburner is often needed to make sure that things don't get out of hand.


When a dead body is found that has Necromatic Spores in them or a location is discovered to be overrun with Necromatic Spores, a Corpseburner is called in to burn every last inch of it off the face of the earth.


Dangers & Hazards

Alongside the obvious of the heavy flames that they're exposed to while burning Necromatic Spore, there's also the risk of causing a wildfire or becoming attacked by a corpse that has been agitated by the flames. As a result of this, procedures for Sporeburners are to take preventive measures such as cutting off surrounding greenery & maintain a distance from the corpses to reduce any risk of injury or death.


In the event of a corpse that has to be obtained for cremation, the corpse is to be detained-- a task that is made hard due to the nature of the Necromatic Spore. Oftentimes, this requires the usage of Barrier magic or other such restrictive means.

Alternative Names
Cleaners, Corpseburners, Rot Removal Team
Social Services
Heavily in demand

Although Sporeburning is legal, it has been declared illegal to keep any part of the corpse or spore for personal keeping. Alongside that, all corpses of people are required to undergo special procedures so that they can be properly cremated, and failure to do so will result in imprisonment.


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