Rhyll's Workshop Building / Landmark in Witch World | World Anvil

Rhyll's Workshop

Rhyll had been given a pouch of gold and gems by his mother before he left home. She said that his father had left it for him, it was what remained of his treasures from his adventuring days. He used a portion of this money to put down three months rent on a small property that would make for an excellent starter workshop. He hoped by the time the three months were up he would be making enough to at least be able to pay the rent each month.   It was situated on a small street in the crafters district, next door to a toy maker. The toyshop had previously been a tavern, and the property Rhyll was renting used to be the small stables and yard which serviced the tavern. The new owner had little use for the stables, and realised he could make a little extra money by renting it out.   A half stone wall with iron railings atop it fronts the property. To the right it butts up against the side of the stone built toyshop. A flagstone yard takes up almost half the space with an L shaped building running along the back and half way down the left hand side. The building is only one storey tall, is made of a light grey stone, and has a tiled roof made of a blue grey slate. It is split into six stables, four along the back and two to the left.   Rhyll has begun to make a few modifications to the place, or at least to the rooms he is currently using. The walls between the stables were only made of wood so he knocked down the one between the two stables on the lft to make a bigger space. He has made this space into a wokshop. In a third stable he has reinforced the wooden wall, and fitted it out with shelves and a cupboard, to use as material storage. In all three of theese stables he has replaced the split, stable doors and replaced them with sturdy, standard doors, and had good locks fitted.



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