Mood Reader / Barometer Technology / Science in Witch World | World Anvil

Mood Reader / Barometer

During a misdaventure, Jerotus Rosethorn misplaced his prized barometer. It had been given to him by his grandfather before he set off on first journey aboard his airship. His grandfather was a skilled metalsmith and had a particular skill with clockwork mechanisms, and made the Barometer himself, It was extraordinarily accurate and allowed him to navigate the skies much more safely. He still considers one of his greatest losses and misses it dearly.   Meanwhile in small pocket dimension through which Jerotus passed on his little misadventure, the weather elementals have discovered a marvel indeed. Having no need of technology themselves they puzzled over its purpose for a long while, wondering what the strange whirling circles did, what the odd little symbols on the front meant, and why the long thin stick on the front kept moving around, sometimes quite wildly.   After a while most of them lost interest, but a few kept on at the puzzle. It wasn't until one of them noticed a correlation between how angry Ol' Cimbus was getting at the device and how widely the stick swung towards a particular point on the device, that they became even more in awe of the device. After a series of tests they realised that the device could accurately predict the moods of those around it, particularly if that mood was being felt quite strongly. It must be magic, but like nothing they had ever seen before, and why would someone create such a thing?   It caused no ammount of disagreemnet at first, as to what it used be used for, or if it should even be used at all. After all while it was all well and good to call out Ol' Cimbus whenever he said he wasn't about to blow a gale, it could be seen as a bit invasive. After several rather violent altercations, They decided it was best if it was kept locked up somewhere, and only brought out on special occaisions for a bit of fun.


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