Wrothian Species in Winds of Uranus | World Anvil


    When most spacers are young, they hear a bedtime story about the wroth: fearsome invaders from beyond the stars that come by night to steal away bad little girls and boys. When they grow up, however, they only learn that the tale is far more terrible in reality. 
    The dreaded wroth perhaps originate in the Black, for that is where they reside: in the endless space between worlds, where they can never be located and destroyed. They are a blight on the galaxy, arriving by night upon defenseless worlds to take humanoid captives with their ruthless alien machines, and slaughtering anyone that resists. When they are satisfied with their cruelty, they retreat with their captives, who are never to be seen again, into the interminable Black. The very word "wroth" can cause panic on Frontier worlds, where defenses are few and far between, but the wroth prey on worlds everywhere, from the galactic center to the uttermost edge of the 'verse. And as such, they are universally feared and despised.

Imperfect Rogue

    Most consider wrothians to be wholly evil, an utter scourge of the Black; but by some providence, you were born different. Like all wrothian drones, you are created imperfect, using a fraction of the bio-matter allotted to the unholy primarchs. These primarchs rule over your kind, commanding you to go to the small, pale worlds below and take people to harvest their bio-matter and brains. Perhaps you were exiled from your ship for demonstrating some act of mercy, or perhaps you escaped to free yourself from the oppressive primarch regime. Regardless, you are now a Rogue, an enemy of all wroth and feared by all others. 

Few Friends, Many Enemies

    As a wrothian, there is no bastion you can call home, and you have no natural allies in the ‘verse. Depending on the circumstances of your exile, it is even possible you will be hunted by your former brethren. 
    You might find company with groups of mercenaries and among adventuring parties which value your particular skills. Spacers tend to be wary around wrothians and wrothian technology, but, especially on the Galactic Frontier where hazards are abundant, a wrothian might be able to earn a crew’s trust, provided they can prove their worth as an ally. 
    Most rogue wrothians, however, use disguises; usually of magical caliber. Even a simple disguise self spell can reliably masquerade a wrothian as another exotic species, such as a nautilid or skathári, for a time.

Awaiting Oblivion

    In abandoning your life with the wroth, you have forsaken your immortality. Without the refreshment of psionic energy found on their ships, your body will break down and die in less than a decade. Perhaps this death will be a mercy to you, a final correction of your life's mistake, or perhaps you will seek some darker alternative to the oblivion that is death. At long last, however, your life's objective is your own, your destiny free to decide.

Wrothian Names

    Names aren't bestowed on wrothian takers when they are created; under the primarchs, they have only silent, psionic designations that more closely resemble numbers. Rogue wrothians, however, choose their own names when they break free. These names tend to sound harsh, borrowing sounds from the Wrothian language, but carry great personal meaning to the wrothian that selected it.
    Wrothian Names. Ax’omn, Bael’deldist, Falct’maelom, Hry’steriost, Knu’crikolp, Saluh’ark, Tas’garnaacta, Troh’gelt, Vaek’lenthar, Xrau’tsidea, Zred’rrirc



Wrothian Traits

Almost completely uniform, wrothian takers that reject the primarchs have the following racial traits:
    Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma increases by 1.
All wrothians are synthetically engineered in a creation matrix, which rids them of the faults found in other organic lifeforms: they are ageless and don't require food or drink, as long as they are nourished by a field of psionic energy, such as those which encompass their ships. In exile from your ship, however, you will find no such nourishment, and will likely perish within 10 years.
Wrothians have always found the conceit of morality strange. After all, to their minds, all other life in the 'verse is simply beneath them, so empathy and other philosophical considerations are a waste of thought. As a rogue wrothian, you likely oppose the primarchs and their view, but a natural understanding of empathy might elude you, for your mind wasn't designed for it. Rogue wrothians can have alignments across the spectrum, but many skew toward evil out of habit.
All takers stand the same height—just over six feet tall—and are identical in every other dimension as well, though you might have some important defect that distinguishes you. Your size is Medium.
Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. Accustomed to the endless, inimitable Black, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
    Neural Lock.
You can use your action to freeze the nervous system of a humanoid creature you can see within 60 feet. This creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature is incapacitated and its speed becomes 0 until the start of your next turn. After you use your neural lock, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
    Razor Teeth.
Your sharp claws and teeth are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing or piercing damage (your choice) equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
    Repletion. In lieu of a true digestive system, your body is sustained by psionic energy it absorbed while aboard your ship. You don't need to eat or drink, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish.
You can speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you. The creature understands you only if the two of you share a language. You can speak telepathically in this way to one creature at a time.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Wrothian. Wrothian is a language rarely spoken, and is written in complex, circular runes. Spoken aloud, it is a rhythmic language of rumbles, sibilants, and chirps, suited to a race with an articulate tongue.


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