The Firm Organization in Winds of Uranus | World Anvil

The Firm

At first blush, it can be hard to tell that any part of the Firm’s dealings is illicit; after all, its contracts are watertight, its checks never bounce, and its lawyers are impeccable. Those in the know, however, understand that, for all its business accoutrement, the Firm is the largest organized crime syndicate in the ‘verse.
To conduct its various illegal operations, which include hacking, weapons trafficking, and elaborate heists, the Firm hires short-term Contractors, individuals specially recruited to match the details of a particular job. Contractors are abundant and varied, including everyone from expert hackers to common thugs, but all are expected to follow their contracts to the letter, regardless of what deeds they entail. Many Contractors even play the part of businessmen with aplomb. By their nature, Contractors are compartmentalized and ultimately expendable; no single Contractor knows details which might incriminate the Firm’s Management, and if they become a problem, their contract can be terminated, usually via unprotected spacewalk.
Due to the shadowy nature of the Firm’s dealings, concrete details on its Management can be hard to come by. Rumors abound, however, that the Firm’s Middle Managers can be tracked down on Hearthstations across the ‘verse. Of course, the implication is that, while halflings make comfortable beds and serve a warm meal, they’re also pulling illicit money on the side. A halfling’s light feet are excellent for thieving, after all, should they feel so inclined. Most Firm communications with the Middle-Managers also leverage gnomish technology, opening the quiet and inaccessible Dead Magic Zones for secret meetings and also blocking most magical forms of tracking. Thus, it is hard to know for sure who hires Contractors and who devises their jobs.
A strangely prominent rumor holds that the small Board of Directors which directs the Firm’s activities meets aboard a private warship called the Upper Management. Whether or not this rumor holds any truth is anyone’s guess, but seeing as the Firm’s reach stretches across the ‘verse, into practically every maw station and world on the grid, it’s unwise to underestimate their resources.


Corporation, Business


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