DD&D Organization in Winds of Uranus | World Anvil


Based out of four exceedingly high-class offices on the four maws surrounding the galactic core, Drog, Dusset, & Durgen Acquisitions & Trade is the premier high-tier trade organization and antiquities dealer in the galaxy. While other trading guilds deal in ordinary commodities and goods, DD&D concerns itself with only the most exotic and lucrative items, and charges exorbitantly high fees for the trouble. Vast shipments of gold, gems, precious metals such as mithral and adamantine, rare magic items, and artifacts are DD&D’s domain.
DD&D takes a special interest in traditional magic items, like necklaces of fireballs, wands of wonder, and gauntlets of ogre power, as opposed to items built on modern magical technology, such as motion trackers and transmat decks. These antique items possess an elegance and craftsmanship (not to mention an invaluable rarity) unparalleled in modern items. 
Being collectors of antiquities and traders of magic items, DD&D is always in the market for intrepid explorers, brave adventurers, and others who can survive ancient deathtraps in order to plunder its treasures. Of these adventures, the most successful (and longest lived) are offered positions as Artifactors, operating as the organization’s premier tradesmen and dungeon delvers. Artifactors plan and oversee DD&D’s high profile expeditions, and are afforded exceptional manpower and resources to do so. 
The oft-quoted tale of DD&D’s origins involves the titular founders, now all (presumably) long dead, aiding an eternal dragon named Garfreckt in moving its hoard from one edge of space to another. According to the story, the founders discovered a new hoard-planet for the dragon, the remnant core of a dead gas giant, now a planet-sized ball of pure diamond, and helped the dragon move into this new home. In exchange, the dragon parted with a few of its baubles (all legendary magic items), which the founders traded to establish their company. Of course, such a tale is more or less impossible to verify, but most acquisitions agents agree that, if anyone could have done it, their founders could have.


Corporation, Commerce


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