Astrogations Inc Organization in Winds of Uranus | World Anvil

Astrogations Inc

Founded nearly two millennia ago, Astrogations Inc. has grown to become the preeminent starfaring guild in the ‘verse. Concerned chiefly with accurately charting every system in the galaxy, A.I. has brokered centuries long contracts with all of the major players in the Black, granting them a near-monopoly over galactic cartography. Additionally, A.I. offers swift, discreet travel services between over three thousand different ports of call, including every maw on the grid. If you need to get somewhere or find something, no one in the 'verse is going to do it faster than Astrogations Inc. 
     The greatest problem A.I. faces is that, unlike terrestrial cartography, the “topology” of the ‘verse is in constant flux. While some points (such as the maw stations) rotate about the galactic core in relatively fixed positions, there are enough spatial anomalies, rogue planets, and gravitational channels to keep a dedicated mapmaker busy for several lifetimes; this doesn’t even consider the trouble of keeping the galactic governmental demarcations accurate and true. Even small changes in gravitational pull on a trade route could send a freighter plunging into a star, so extremely accurate charts are imperative.
     To this end, A.I. deals in information of all kinds,bpurchasing star charts, planet scans, void jump data, and scans of anomalous events from explorers and spacers alike. This very information is cataloged and sold back to spacers to help refine navigation, dealt to the major galactic powers to define their borders, and used by spellcasters to accurately cast the astrogation spell, the company’s namesake. Perfectly neutral in its dealings, A.I. will buy or sell from any willing customer, as long as doing so will turn a profit. The A.I. headquarters, located on Concordia, is said to possess hundreds of thousands of arcane terminals to store and collate its data. 
     Of course, A.I. has one additional trick up its sleeve to stay ahead of the competition: along with employing thousands of star-cartographers and information brokers, A.I. is also rumored to employ a staff of  psychics, soothsayers, and oracles who attempt to divine the future of galactic movements. Long ago, A.I cartographers realized that, while the predictions of one psychic might be unreliable, the average of a hundred or more can yield consistently true results, even out to years in the future. It is even possible that A.I.’s psychic think-tank has predicted more than just the future of galactic movements; that their psychics have divined great cataclysms that await the ‘verse. Of course, if that were true, A.I. has remained silent on the matter, perhaps wishing to turn this information to profit in the future.


Corporation, Business