Fiáliilde (Wildlings) Species in Wildlings | World Anvil
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Fiáliilde (Wildlings)

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Children are traditionally named by the ceannepser (elder) of a sept, after the child in question has opened its eyes and its linkage has been discovered. They take no last names, but may refer to themselves as the child of their mother for clarity.   Names are not separated by gender, but are often assigned roughly based on species, using an animal's name as the base (the language used varies based upon a sept's heritage)

Major Organizations

Though the Wildlings flourished in ancient times, since the 16th century, populations have been declining. Any more, there are only a few septs left, which generally stay apart due to their disparate habitats. There are four main 'Magionott' septs, which are as follows: Mamailidyr, Éiglium, Racailer, and Iascibus (mammals, birds, reptiles, fish). These are further divided into unnamed familial septs, which are small in number and are spread sparsely throughout every ecosystem. There are 14 septs in total.   While each Magionott communicates with its daughter septs, there is little to no communication between septs.

Beauty Ideals

Due to wildly varying physical characteristics even among members of the same sept, physical appearance isn't too lauded within Wildling society. While each sept has its own ideas of the 'perfect' specimen, as a general trend, Lidyrs favor well-groomed fur and physical strength, the Eigli agility and stamina in flight, Cailer durability and intellect, and Iasci scale sheen and swimming speed.

Gender Ideals

As a whole, the Wildlings are a matriarchal species. Females are expected to be good hunters and have a strong maternal instinct to provide for and protect their young. They are in charge of hunting and the building of shelters. In cases where septs have a stand-out leader, a female will usually occupy the position. Males, on the other hand, are charged with the defense of encampments as well as diplomacy and the care of children (especially the latter in Iasci and Cailer septs). Males are expected to be good with children and to be physically powerful.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

While Wildlings do have an ancestral tongue from which they derive their proper name and official titles, this is used mostly for official purposes, like inter-sept communication. Traditionally, male Wildlings are taught Fiaald as children, while females are taught upon (marriage-equivalent) or gaining power. For common purposes, septs will use whatever human language is convenient.

Common Dress Code

It is incredibly rare that a Wildling will assume a fully human form. In such rare cases, they will wear human clothing. Otherwise, very little is required by convention, as all Wildlings have fur, scale, or feather enough to not break social customs of intimacy in their natural forms. Some choose to wear various human accouterments, such as Iasci women wearing brightly colored cowls, or Cailer of both sexes being draped in copious amounts of plant-pased jewelry.
Related Ethnicities

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