Hew Hackinstone Character in Wildemount | World Anvil

Hew Hackinstone

Surly Dwarf jungle guide in the employ of Merchant Prince Jobal out of Port Nyanzaru.   Hew can be found hanging out in the Drunken Whale Tavern telling tales of dragons and treasure over a mug of Tej when he is not guiding would be adventurers into the jungles.   The most defining feature of the rough looking dwarf is Hew is missing his left arm. He will gladly tell the tale of how he lost it to a mighty dragon while trying to reclaim his ancestral home in the mountains far to the North of the city. In fact, whenever Hew spots another dwarf who has themselves in the strange lands of Chult, He tries to convince them to help Hew reclaim the lost mines from the Dragon who took his arm.


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