Gurr Character in Wildemount : Dungeons and Peds Variant | World Anvil
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Standing just over seven feet tall with dark brown eyes, chocolate brown fur, strong long limbs, and a look of feral ferocity to him; Gurr knows he's intimidating looking. The Bugbear uses this fact to his advantage when trying to disperse conflict as an Enforcer for The Grudge Gang. Working in tandem with Fred Prestcote the two are an unlikely pair, but their brute strength works surprisingly well together thus they've begrudgingly become friends and are often seen together.   Gurr was the first to notice the potential within Kethra having dealt with combat all his life, as is the way for most goblinkin. He commonly extends an invitation to her to join the gang - to which she always declines. Although, he doesn't seem to mind as he knows he's strong enough with or without her, thus he never pushes it any further than a polite invitation whenever they meet. Wielding a mighty greatclub on his back and two handaxes at his side the bugbear fights much like one of his kind would; through surprise antics using their surprisingly stealthy ways.    Though Gurr is not intelligent in the common sense of the word, he is quite wise and in touch with the land and way of survival.



Partner (Important)

Towards Fred Shepherd



Fred Shepherd

Partner (Important)

Towards Gurr



Honorary & Occupational Titles
Urzin, Xhorhas
Current Residence
Shadycreek Run
Aligned Organization

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