Matriarch Rank/Title in Where Dragons Rule | World Anvil
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Dragon clans follow a matriarchy with a single female in charge. Matriarchs are usually the largest female in the clan, even surpassing some of their male counterparts in size. Fiercely protective, Matriarchs are charged with watching over the entire clan; this usually involves settling disputes between two dragons, choosing the hunting grounds, assigning roles to the clan members, and punishing those who break the law. Matriarchs are feared for their fierce combat prowess; they are often considered the most powerful dragon in the clan but they rarely do any of the actual fighting, instead only getting involved when another Matriarch is involved or the safety of the entire clan is threatened.   She is guarded by two or more males called Sentinels. These dragons are sworn to protect the Matriarch with their lives.   Although only one Matriarch can be in charge at a time, there can be several unofficial ones in a single clan. A Matriarch will rule over the clan until she dies. If she dies or is killed by an outside force such as disease before a new Matriarch is chosen, it causes a power vacuum in which the other Matriarchs vie for the position. This is often a very bloody affair with the last one alive taking the title. In very rare cases, the Matriarch has been known to choose her successor in the event of her death--not including due to a challenging Matriarch. This helps stave off the bloodbath. The position is not hereditary. The offspring of a Matriarch receive special treatment, but they are not guaranteed to take the mother's mantle.   In most cases, the Matriarch will be overthrown by another. In order to challenge the current leader, the challenger must be capable of the Matriarch's Call. Because of this rule, the Matriarch is always female. Once the challenger makes her claim, the two dragons fight to determine the winner. The loser is either exiled or killed.   

Matriarch Life Today

  Now Matriarchs are more like Mayors of towns than clan leaders. Challenges by other Matriarchs are far less bloody. Usually what determines the winner is popularity. If enough citizens support either dragon, the other is expected to step down. Should the current Matriarch refuse, she can then be killed. Also, choosing a successor is a requirement.  


  In the past, a clan rarely turned on its Matriarch. Now if she loses the support of the town, she can be impeached if the town finds her incompetent. If the townsfolk believe their Matriarch to be incompetent, they can petition the Dracaena to remove her and elect a new one. While this option exists, it is almost never used. Instead, a new Matriarch takes advantage of the political unrest and takes over.
Nobility, Non-hereditary

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