Kobold Rank/Title in Where Dragons Rule | World Anvil
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Back when dragons were considered divine, it was a great honor to be chosen to care for one. Only the most devout and respectful humans were ever allowed to be a chosen dragon's aide. These select few were known as kobolds or as to wishing to shame them, dragon maids.   The duties of a kobold were, more or less, that of a servant. They were in charge of cleaning the temple where the Dracaena resided, repairs and construction, bringing her food, bathing, managing visitors, and relaying announcements and laws. They lived in the temple (although slept in separate rooms) and served for the rest of their lives.   The exact structure and organization varied between temples. Some had a hiearchy and assigned specifc tasks to certain ranks while others did not. A common practice was to have a Grand Kobold who was considered the closest to the divine. They were in charge of managing the other kobolds and were often the only one allowed to speak to the Dracaena directly.   Since they were solely in charge of spreading the Dracaena's word, they were also charged with enforcing it. However, they were not considered a militant force and were always kept seperate from the main army (assuming there even was one). Regardless, kobolds were never sent away from the temple to deal with distant threats.   A common belief is that kobolds needed to be celibate and were forbidden to marry lest a family get in the way of their holy duties. However, I can confirm with great confidence that this was not the case. While allowed to engage in relationships and even have children, it was understood that their allegiance and first priority were the Dracaena and the temple.   Only in the rarest of circumstances was a kobold ever released from service and death awaited anyone who abandoned their duties.


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