Kettle Organization in Where Dragons Rule | World Anvil
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A kettle is a group of multiple gryphon families living together, although together is a term used rather loosely. Unlike dragon clans who live in a single large group, gryphons live in seperate cells spread out over an area. Kettles are easy to spot by the houses built from sticks and mud.   Each family is left to govern itself, however, they will often convene on matters. Usually, this a gathering of all the adults involved. They agree on the roles that are required of the kettle and decide their laws.  

Crime and Punishment

  I have not yet determined what gryphon laws entail exactly, but their punishments are quite severe. Like dragons, they do not have prisons so those who break the established law is cast out of the group, never to return. Should they return, they are executed.  

A Meeting of Two Kettles

  Kettles mark their territory on trees, however, some territories have been known to overlap. They have also been known visit one another especially when a family is spread across mutiple groups. In addition to these family reunions, gryphons will also often share tips and resources.   I am unsure if gryphons live harmoniously, but even the most gentle creature can be driven to anger and violence. And if the other intelligent species are any indication, I doubt they are above acts of greed or selfishness. Sadly, this holds true for the gryphons as well.   Full scale wars are often rare due to it requiring a unanimous decision and the threat of losing important members with little hope of replenishing those numbers. However, most attacks are done descretly by attacking another kettle's hunters to deminish their numbers. With little hope of gathering food, they must take on more or downsize.  


  Gryphon society is much more harsh than I initially believed. Kettles rarely grow above a certain size. It turns out this is because they are very selective about who joins their community. Each member of the kettle (not including the young) must choose a role to fulfill. If they cannot provide for the kettle as a whole, they are cast out to live alone or find a new one. While they have the freedom to choose their roles, spots are limited and once they are filled, they must choose another or leave.   The exact number of roles and the number of open slots varies with each kettle based on location and need, but gryphons also are not limited to a single role, especially in smaller kettles. These are the ones I have discovered thus far:  


The ones responsible for hunting for food and scouting out potential long-range threats. Raptors often run into those from other kettles and typically share information and hunting tips.  


The guardians of the kettle. Their task is to protect it from threats and to deal with those who attempt to disrupt peace within. To better react to threats, warriors are often forbidden from leaving. Because of this, warriors are never allowed to become raptors and vice versa.  


The gryphon(s) in charge of training new arrivals or in most cases, the young.  


Healers are tasked with the kettle's well-being. I have been unable to uncover the secrets of gryphon medicine, but it seems they may use something similar to a primative form of alchemy. Healers are also in charge of repairing any homes that are damaged.
Geopolitical, Clan


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