Rare Moons Physical / Metaphysical Law in When the Curtain has fallen | World Anvil

Rare Moons

While the fall of The Curtain originated on Earth, it affected space the same way. The stars can be completely missing in some places, while in others one can clearly see the constellations as the things they were named after. But for the most part, if there are no clouds (or other things covering the night sky), one will always be able to see the Moon. There were already a few different phenomena related to the Moon, but once the concepts and ideas that came from the spiritual world started influencing them, they became more unusual and spectacular.  

Types of Moons

Blood Moon

During the lunar eclipse, Moon turns into Blood Moon. During that time, the Moon looks as if blood was dripping from it down to the horizon. Since there are already some beliefs that monsters start to show up during the Blood Moons or that people go crazy, a lot of the more aggressive Spirits might become more active during the nights when Blood Moon shows up. It also becomes harder to control one's emotions, both positive and negative ones.  

Blue Moon

The rarest of the rare Moons. During Blue Moon, the Moon turns blue. The change is purely visual and doesn't affect the world nor people or spirits in any way.  

Harvest Moon

The first full moon nearest the autumnal equinox becomes a harvest moon. It usually is brighter than the normal Moon, making the sky as bright as if it was lit up by Sun during dusk. Additionally, when looking at the Moon, one can see a slight halo or glow around it that resembles ears of grain. It is said that around the time the harvest moon shows up all plants grow way faster, affected by its light.  


While in the past, the supermoons were already big, their size pales to how enormous they can get now, with the largest one taking over 70% of the visible night sky. And with that, the influence of the Moon on the Earth also grows. The water, no matter how small its amount, gets pulled upwards, creating pillars, the gravity gets lower, and the winds can get stronger, creating hurricanes. Luckily, it is rare for it to get as bad, so the most common visible effect of the supermoon is still to see towers of water.  

Fake Moon

Because in the past there were enough people who considered the Moon to be fake, once in a while one can see it change to reflect that too. Sometimes it'll look like it was made out of cheese, sometimes it'll look like a machine or a mechanism. Sometimes it might look as if a child had drawn it on the sky and sometimes it might disappear completely. For the most part, those changes last only between two blinks of an eye or can be seen from a corner of one's eye, but the longest spotted Fake Moon lasted for a whole night.  

Festive Moon

During some festivities, mostly Halloween but also some holidays related to Moon, the Moon might change its appearance to reflect the festivity. The most notable examples were when it grew a scary face, one time when it turned into a Jack-o-Lantern, and when it started laughing. But there were also times when various flowers seemed to surround it, when it was surrounded by smaller versions of itself, when it turned into a snowflake, or had a Santa hat on its top for Christmas.


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