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Kemmler's Depraved Studies Are Discovered.

Life, Trauma/ Loss


Kemmler's secret laboratory is discovered and he is forced to flee Nuln.

After decades of depraved study, Kemmler's solitary and secretive nature arouses enough suspicion amongst his peers and the Nulner authorities that they organise a search of his lodgings and discover his secret laboratory, including the heretical books he has been studying and the macabre remains of his experiments.   Kemmler was forced to flee the city fighting his way clear of the local militia detachment sent to arrest him. Many of whom fled when their dead comrades arose to attack them at Kemmler's behest. He managed to get clear of the city before the authorities could alert it's more powerful wizards to combat his spells and he fled down the Reik, never more than a few hours ahead of the posse of wizards, witch hunters and Sigmarite Priests sent to kill him.   As the alarm spread along the Reik aided by the chain of Imperial Semaphore Towers linking Nuln with Altdorf Kemmler found the net rapidly closing in. He decided to quit the river and head westward into the Grey Mountains hoping to make his way through the Helmgart Pass into Bretonnia.

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