Wfrp fragile alliances Kemmler Attacked and Forced to Flee.
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Kemmler Attacked and Forced to Flee.

Life, Trauma/ Loss


De Muscadet attacks Kemmler and forces him to flee into the Grey Mountains.

Kemmler thought that he had found a safe haven for the time being at the monastery of 'La Maisontaal'. But he was wrong, for unknown to Kemmler, Rene de Muscadet, The Master of La Maisontaal, was a wizard of some power himself and the news of Kemmler's flight from Nuln had already reached him.   De Muscadet soon realised who Kemmler was and catching him off-guard De Muscadet stuck Kemmler with a staff of Shrivening, a rare and powerful magical artefact that instantly drained the necromancer of all of his remaining magical energy and left him virtually defenceless. Kemmler fled the monastery only managing to evade his pursuers with the aid of a Ring of Flight and he disappeared into the wilderness of the Grey Mountains.

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