The Cock Pit Building / Landmark in WFRP Fragile Alliances | World Anvil
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The Cock Pit

WFRP 2e Spires of Altdorf pg 73
The Cock Pit is a famous cock fighting ring located in the Decksack District of Altdorf surrounded by slums. But the Cock Pit itself has quite a bit of patronage from the upper classes, so its building is fairly new and well-maintained.   There is a two pence cover charge to enter, but the house makes most of its money on drinks and gambling.   Inside, about a sixth of the area around the fighting ring is cordoned off, reserved for richer members of society. There is a two silver cover charge just to enter that part of the room.   Lord Frederick is a frequent patron of this establishment, and if the characters have met him, he recognises and acknowledges them, before returning his attention to the fight. Solvieg THudrun is also an avid cock fight enthusiast and can be found in 'The Cock Pit' whenever she has the coin to pay for her drinks and wagers.


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