Session 7APR23 Report in Weyland's Campaign | World Anvil

Session 7APR23

General Summary

We’re at the base of the active volcano and getting closer magic stops working.
A ruined city near the volcano has greenery; whatever the lich was trying to do did not work here.
There are large, non-magical creatures left by the lich to guard the area.

There are many banners of many houses. The area is being protected and we've been told to make haste to the volcano.
Shadar-kai High Guards are here; fought to get here to face the Red King.

Mending Snav: 25 points of mending; its fully mended, but still a little quirky move; -10 to movement; will need to spend time tinkering to fully repair.

High Level Cleric spells that are being stored:
  • Standish(Cleric): Mass Heal tattoo; Word of Recall tattoo
  • Granger(Ranger): Spirit Guardians at 5th level 5+d8 as tattoo; last 10 minutes
  • Witch: Sacred Flame Cleric; Blend Witch; Chill Touch Witch
  • Taliesin(Bard): Banishment Tattoo
  • Advi(Artificer/Fighter): Cleric Guided Light 1st lvl cast at 8th level.

  • Granger(Ranger) is prepping crossbow bolts with poison.
    We get 8 hours of sleep.
    Balfor(Druid) makes a sanctuary place for us to return to when we cast Word of Recall.
    We see and speak with one person who is riding a Pegasus into the encampment.
      The Wizard is coming along with us; it is suggested to us to walk about 30' apart and not in any particular formations; we do so.

    We come upon a rise and on the other side we see greenery, hear bugs and things are alive and living.
    We come upon a staircase; we see Wood Elves with large bows; they from the Kings Guards; 7 of them in a high tower among the rocks.

    We come upon a man-made fortification. There is a cloaked person on the top of the wall.
    There are places of the wall that have been destroyed. Players are told it was a meteor storm or two that destroyed the fortification; characters see lots of damage and large craters.

    The person comes down of the wall with Feather Fall.
    Advi says hello, the person holds dagger in a salute; he approaches and is an Elven race none of us recognize.

    He reports that last night something sneaky and intelligent moved through the area and had something with it that left 40 lb scat piles and its not magical. He is weary of the water; there's something large in the water; warns us to try to stay clear of the water. Balfor gets the Feather Fall Token from the Elven NPC; it's a magical feather when you have it in your hand, you don't fall.   ...and the FUn begins...   Witch flies though the gate and in at 100' up; the ravens did not follow her. Granger through the gate and dashes in to the right… Advi sends Snav in 40' and commands ‘Guard!’. Advi and Taliesin stay in the gateway. Kat goes in behind Snav Advi runs through the gate to rocks on the left. Wizard moves along the wall to the left The witch flies near Granger. Balfor yells to Granger, “Do you see anything?”, Granger answers back, “No.”. The yelling attracts the attention of something…   ...and roll initiative...   Advi rolls 20 and goes first.   A large winged creature(griffon) flies in, though it’s the size of a Clydesdale with wings; appears to be twisted in the alignment sense.
    Goblins comes out of the piles of rubble are blowing horns and some of them have crossbows.
    Advi casts Shield and hold action until the griffon comes into axe throwing range.
    Balfor attacks a goblin using Primal Savagery; hits the goblin, but did not kill him.
    Standish hides in the shadows and hold action.
    Witch moves towards griffon; will try to drop a flask of oil on a goblin as she flies by.
    Wizard kills one goblin.
    Kat casts Wall of Thorns and kills two goblins.
    Advi throws her axe, hits the griffon for 19 points and 4 pts when the axe returns. Advi throws her axe again; hits the griffon for 12 pts and 4 pts on the return.
    Balfor is hit with paralyzing poison from one of the goblin’s crossbow bolts.

    Witch attacks one of the goblin with oil flask; does some damage.
    Wizard casts Banish on the griffon; it disappears.
    Taliesin goes to Balfor to cure Poison; rolls 6 to neutralize; works.
    Advi calls Snav over and commands it to prepare; waiting for the griffon to return.
    Balfor grabs the bolts from the goblin; get 11 poisoned bolts.

    Granger rolls 7 for Perception to see what will be attacking; Green Dragon comes up out of the water; comes near Granger and witch.

    Advi runs across an open area to another set rocky mounds and back up against the rocks.
    Balfor moves to hide behind the rocks.
    Witch fires a wasp arrow at the dragon; hits with 8 arrows 34 pts of damage; the dragon leaps at the witch.
    Granger shots the dragon with a wasp arrow; has sneak attack with 15 arrows; killed the dragon with 150+ hits.

    The Griffon returns…
    Advi casts Prismatic Spray; rolls a 6, which is purple; griffon failed its saving roll, is constrained and crashes to the ground.
    Balfor casts from the staff, Mortican's Revenge on the griffon.
    Standish is casting Sacred Flame; hits for one point of damage.
    Taliesin casts Eldritch Blast on the griffon 13 pts; griffon fails save for poisoning and is now poisoned.
    Granger shoots the griffon with heavy arrow; 18 pts damage.

    Mortican's Revenge turns into a "blowtorch" with a 10' diameter and 60' tall flame; melting the sand around it; the griffon is dead.
    The flame seems to be very effective, even with the magic dampening in the area.
    After the flames disappear, there’s a 14 foot deep, glass lined hole that is VERY hot; though it would not destroy the Red King’s item, the hot glass hole would destroy many other items.

    Taliesin finds a black metal rod with one end shaped into a black globe. The rod appears to be one piece of hematite. Taliesin casts identify: it’s a Rod of Smiting; +3 magic; 2d8+3 damage; 3d6+8 against golems. Roll a 20 or better, the spell destroys the target; anything than less removes one charge and cannot be recharged; there are 19 charges. When cast on demons, devils or night hags, the spell does triple damage.

    Granger tries to ethereal jump to another tower; almost misses stopping on the other tower. He stopped near the far edge, and sees the sand below move and the sand hump appears to be moving toward the group.
    Witch sees the sand moving and yells, "There's sandworm!", and flies higher; sand is lifted about 2 to 3 feet high by the movement of the sandworm.
    The Wizard does some conjuring and a storm cloud starts to form over the area.
    Advi has Snav run across an open area of the sand, and a large mummified, reticulated something, a worm, dragon or something, catches Snav in its claw and is looking around. There is a mummy riding on the large dragon worm’s back.

    Advi casts catapult at level 2, misses, the large stone passes through the dragon; rolled crappy to hit.
    Balfor casts Spirit with staff; an enormous bright light appears; the mummy on the dragon snake’s back, poofs away, but the dragon makes its save and casts spell on the Balfor and he starts to be afraid of the dragon.
    Anyone rolling higher than 25 Perception, knows that Balfor is afraid; Fear has been cast on him.

    Standish casts Turn Undead; this scares the dragon, who jumps up on the rocks near Balfor, and turns its focus on Standish. Balfor tries to get out of the way of the dragon, which is backing up, but the dragon is keeping its eyes Standish.
    Kat casts Moonbeam and freezes the dragon in place.
    Taliesin casts Shatter on the dragon; does 13 hits points, which takes off the left wing; and gives Inspiration to the Balfor.
    Advi casts Fire bolt; 11 pts damage, last spell; only cantrips left to cast.
    Balfor casts Earth from the Staff; a blue beam of light hits the dragon and turns the dragon into the stone. We push it off the rocks and it shatters.

    The dragon had a large gold tablet wired to its rib/chest worth about 2500gp + etchings may add to its worth; the etching note the dragon was an agent/guardian of Set, apparently trapped here by the Red King to guard the area. There is 3000gp of gold wire and 2500gp gems; Advi loads all of these items into the bag of holding on Snav.

    Rewards Granted


  • 1800 exp each

  • Missions/Quests Completed

    We made it to the 1st level of the volcano and made it almost half way through.

    Character(s) interacted with

    • Person on Pegasus
    • Shadar-kai High Guards
    • 7 Wood Elves from the King's Guard
    • Elven type from the wall, who gave Feather Fall to Balfor

    Report Date
    07 Apr 2023


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