Winter King Aethal I Character in Westoria | World Anvil
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Winter King Aethal I

Winter King Aethal Warwic (a.k.a. "The Hand of Winter")

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early childhood Not much is known of King Aethal's early childhood. The only thing that is known is that he was the youngest son of a northern clan's chieftain, with some even claiming that he was a bastard. And after an unsuccessful raid on the kingdom of the Westfold, he along others were claimed as hostages.   Upbringing   Aethal's upbringing as a hostage of the Langrave's ended up being a blessing, rather than a curse. As there he not only enjoyed the conveniences of life in the south, but he also was privileged with an exceptional education, the same that the nobility of the realm was accustomed to. And it is said that the King himself was so impressed by his intelligence, that he made him his personal page. This however started the rumor that the King favored Aethal over his true sons, something that true or not would end up causing enmity between him and the rest of the royal family.   Once of age, Aethal began to distinguish himself in the arts of war as well. Soon he earned his honors in multiple tourneys, even earning first place in a couple of them despite his young age.   It is said that in the year Aethal came of age, he begged the Dragon King to remain in his service rather than return to his lands, while others claim it was the other way around.   Early adulthood   It didn't take long for Aethal to join the king in his campaigns, as he fought against the Orok in the west in defensive campaigns, as well as those of retribution. And he even ended up fighting against his own people, defending against northern raids. And exceptional temper in battle, as well as feats in the battlefield, soon earned him a command in those campaigns, as well as a seat in the king's table when it came to the planning of those campaigns. However, this created some tension among the Western lords, who saw him as a foreigner, especially when it came time to face the northerners. But at no point did Aethal wavered in his loyalty to the king.   Adulthood   After years of unwavering loyalty to the Westfold, Aethal had earned the respect and admiration of many in the realm, although he could not completely shake off the distrust and status as an outsider. So when the time of the king's dead came, there were many rumors at the time that claimed he could attempt to take the throne for himself. After all, he and the king had always maintain a close relationship, as he eventually took the place as his right hand. And it was even claimed that unlike the King's true sons, Aethal had wept during the funeral.   Whether the rumors were true or not, this was a time of great tension in the realm. Factionalism began to form around the Crown Prince and Aethal, and years later, a letter from the Iron King pledging his forces to Aethal in case of a war was found. Many to this day claim that had he wanted to, Aethal could have become the Dragon Prince, as his achievements and stature had shadowed those of the Crown Prince.   But in a move that would vex some, Aethal instead decided to return to his lands after the king's death. However, he had planned to do so with steel in hand rather than as a simple revenant. As he claimed he would indeed become a king, but that he would do so in the north after uniting the many clans and tribes. And with his reputation, second sons, landless knights and minor lords soon flocked to his banner, as they expected to earn riches and titles under him. And even the new Dragon King would fund this campaign, although some claim it was only out of fear of Aethal staying in the south.   The War of Northern Union   Aethal was thirty-and-three when he crossed the Wulmer river. And it is said that he crowned himself Winter King in its shores, as he would not step the north except as king. The crown in his brow one of white gold. However, this move was seen as arrogance and hubris at the time, even among his ranks. And this was especially so among the people in the north, as historians claim that if there was any chance for Aethal to accomplish at least some of his peacefully, it had died that day at the river banks. As the lowest of northmen, to clan leaders and chieftains, all saw it as a sign of disrespect, and would mock him to his face.   His first move was against the Copper clans. And as a sign of what was to come for the north in the next thirty years of reign, Aethal had nothing but steel and fire for them.   However, Aethal's initial move was not one of war, as he instead set up a meeting with a leader from a minor clan. And always a man of few words, it is said that he asked the leader to bend the knee in simple terms. However, the feast had been a ruse prepared for the Winter King, as throughout the night they did nothing but mock him. A crown of ice was presented at his feet as gift. Poems were recited denouncing him to his face, and calling him a false northerner and a traitor, reminding him of the northern blood he had already spilled. And the clan leader even laughed to his face, as he entered the hall with a crown fashioned with wood, claiming to also being the Winter King. However, despite having insult after insult thrown at him, it is said that Aethal never said a word or showed any emotion, and he even made his men stand down when a brawl almost broke out. But it is said, that his eyes were always on the clan leader. Aethal and his men would end up leaving the hall amid insults and laughs. And in the next morning, they returned, this time with steel in hand, Aethal himself joined the fight. The clansmen mounted a defense, as they had already expected this, but they proved to be no match for the Banner of the Bear. And the clan leader who had mocked the Winter King, would end up in chains by the end of the day. But as he stood defeated, he remained defiant. But rather than executing him, as his men demanded, Aethal instead challenged him to a duel for the title of leader. Many worriedly adviced him not to, as the day had already been seized and there was no reaosn for such a duel, but Aethal remained firm in his decision. And in the end it made no difference, as Aethal defeated the leader in a northern duel, taking his life in combat.

Many claim this event as the reason that made Aethal to never again try to ask a northern leader to bend the knee, as that was the first and last time he would try to set up dialogue with them first. And even the later stages of the war, as they began to throw themselves to their knees just to not face him in the field, Aethal would still massacre their people. This, coupled with his cold deamor, would earn him the title of "The Cold Hand of Winter." And he would indeed end up uniting most of the north. However, that was all that his reign consisted of, battle followed by rebellion and then more battles. Every inch of northern soil would rebel against him at one point of another, burning the wooden castles he tried to raise to hold the land. It would only be until he began the construction of the first stone castle in the north that he would be able to hold on to the land. However, he would not see the completion of the castle. And much like everything in his reign, even the construction of the keep proved to be a bloody and violent one.
Reign 1348 - 1378
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Winter King
1314 CE 1371 CE 57 years old
Pale blue
Raven black
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The north is filled with nothing but rabid wolves who must be bloodied and beaten so they can become loyal dogs."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Aethal was known to be fluent in Common and the Old Tongue, although reports said that he spoke the latter with a thick Western accent, for which he was mocked in the north.

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