Caemlyn Settlement in Westland | World Anvil
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Largest city in the Westlands, capital of Andor.
  "Caemlyn is one of the most beautiful cities in the land, second only to Tar Valon, though its natives may argue that ranking. Like a gleaming crown upon its gently rolling hills, the city is actually made up of two sections, the New City, built well under two thousand years ago by the hands of man alone, and the ancient Inner City, much of which bears the mark of Ogier stonemasons. A great fifty-foot wall of silver white stone surrounds most of the official perimeter of the city, broken by tall round towers that flank massive arched gates. Outside the wall, buildings cluster thickly like lichen to a log, spreading outward from the glittering mosaic of the city in a gradual dispersion. Within its outer walls the city is laid out in a crazy quilt of streets and byways, with towers and domes gleaming white and gold in the sun." —The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time
  Caemlyn is the capital of Andor and the location of the Academy of the Rose, a school of learning started by The Dragon Reborn and taken over by the Queen Elayne Trakand.
  Approximately two leagues south lies the Black Tower. While technically under the rule of Andor, and Aes Sedai Elayne Trakand by extension, they exercise relative automony.




Approximately 15 years ago Queen Elayne, a full Aes Sedai, helped quell the power of the Dark One at Tarmon Gai'don. Shortly after, unrest began to rise in Caemlyn, as their history with the Aes Sedai had been a sordid one. Rebellion sprung up shortly thereafter
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