Sting Item in Westeros | World Anvil


Sting was an Elven short-sword made in the original Gondolin during the First Age of the old world. Not much is known about it as it has not been regarded in reverence through the stories of Gondolin but the Ñoldor elves who came from the old Gondolin and settled in the new Gondolin remember the blade to have once been called Maegnas, the elvish word for sting and was the knife mate of Orcrist the sword of Ecthelion of the Fountain and therefore the secondary blade of the legendary elven hero. Like it's sister blade, Maegnas was endowed with enchantments to make it so the blade would glow blue whenever orcs or goblins were near.

The sword was lost along with Orcrist and Glamdring, the sword of the king of the Ñoldor, during the war of the long night in the third age and was taken as a trophy by the Orcs, but over the course of the next two ages, it was passed around as orcs, goblins and trolls raided one another and fell to in fighting until the three blades fell into the hands of three trolls who took the blades along with a large horde of treasure south into the foothills of Arnor where they raided mutton and hid in a cave during the day.

The trolls eventually drew too much attention and the young sixteen year old ranger Jon Snow and the wizard Gandalf happened upon them and dispatched the three trolls before finding their treasure horde and uncovering the lost blades. Gandalf took Glamdring while Jon took Orcrist and Maegnas before setting out, arriving in Rivendell where Lord Elrond, Jon's grandfather appraised the blades for them and explained their histroy, with Lord Elrond having wielded and lost Orcrist and Maegnas during the war of the long night.

Jon offered to return the blades to Elrond but he refused them and suggested Jon keep them for himself. While Jon grew attatched to Orcrist he felt selfish to horde two of such extrodinary blades to himself but knew exaclty what to do with it and asked Gandalf to keep Maegnas safe for him until his sister Arya, who wished to be warrior since she was a child, was ready to take it.

Three years later for Arya's twelfth birthday, Gandalf gifted her the short sword, assuring that she knew it was from Jon who was away hunting orcs as a ranger at the time. Eddard was just as mesmirised at the blade as Arya was while her brothers were overcome with jelousy and Queen Catelyn just about fainted at the sight of her daughter brandishing a weapon. Gandalf explained the sword's name was Maengas, but the young twelve year old who was fluent in elvish felt meangas was a bit long to say so shortened it by using the common tounge translation, refering to the blade as Sting.

Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
2.5 lbs