long-haired ferret Species in Westerheim | World Anvil

long-haired ferret

The long-haired ferret or kritinus (pl. krinitae) is a long-haired mustelid well-known in the Galavnayan Snow Barrens and the Northern Reaches of Chereladi for its dexterity and near-acrobatic movement. Highly prized as a performing animal, krinitae are often captured as kits and hand-raised. They are not known to be domesticated and no domestic breeding programs have been successful (usually because the individuals escape).

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Due to the ferrets' shy nature, it is difficult to report on their reproductive habits. It is thought they mate for life in the wild. They are often found in family groups of up to six individuals.

Ecology and Habitats

Kritinae are well-suited to cold temperatures and wooded landscapes. They prefer to nest high in trees, so the heavily-forested foothills of the Galavnayan mountains are their preferred habitat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Obligate carnivore, usually smaller mammals, birds, and insects. Have been known to predate domesticated chickens and rabbits. They are very fond of fish when they can find it and fish are usually used as bait to trap and train them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Found in family groups of up to two adults and four kits during breeding season. Appear to mate for life in the wild.


Kits are captured, ideally just before weaning and hand-raised by humans. Domestic breeding programs usually fail due to focused attempts at escape. Kritinae will not breed where humans can observe; it has been suggested they're "shy."

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Highly prized as performing animals and pets, especially by the high-born. Often given as gifts between royalty. Occasionally hunted for their fur, though results are better if they are regularly groomed, as they shed seasonally and their sheds are spin-able (on par with mohair rabbits).

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Naturally occurring in the mountain ranges north of Galavnaya. Frequently found in traveling circuses through Galavnaya and Northern Chereladi.

Average Intelligence

Easily trainable and food-motivated. Occasionally show signs of deeper intelligence, but this varies by individual.
Scientific Name
Mustela krinitae
12-15 years (captive)
Conservation Status
Least concern
Average Height
18-25" at the shoulder
Average Weight
18-25 lbs
Average Length
Average Physique
Lean and rangy, sometimes thought to be skinny and underfed (they aren't, they want you to think so, though).
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually found in colors ranging from white to dark tan. Some show patterning, especially mask and point markings, usually in a seal or chocolate coloration.


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