Primitive Profession in west continent | World Anvil
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A sparsely clothed man stands over a fresh kill letting out a war cry because he will live another day. A tribal hunter ties a string to the ends of a stick to make the first bow so he wont have to throw spears any more. A chief leads his tribe into battle to take back their stolen land. The primitive is by no means inferior to the modern classes, what it lacks in training it makes up for with a strong body and will to survive. This is a progenitor class meaning it is more effective in the wild and in fledgling civilizations rather than confined in the modern D&D world.   The Primitive is the strong, fast, and hearty progenitor that is always the first to try new foods and sports. You will be the front line between your tribe and the dangers of the world. You will need to be willing to get hurt so you can heal back stronger. Eventually, you will develop a trade that is immensely physical in nature along with a way of fighting that requires a strong body and clear mind. Good luck making the future a better place.



To be qualified for this class you must not have any training in a specific field and no aptitude for magic, but reach such a point in your life where you are fending for yourself and others in the wild. Only children that have recently reached adulthood may take this class and only when there are no other options for them.

Career Progression

As a progenitor class, this class can rapidly evolve into other classes if the right conditions are met such as formal training, or if you are adopted into a civilized society. When doing so you will lose half your levels but retain all of your stats.

Other Benefits

This class is well suited to the wilderness and surviving off the land, it has limited value when put into the more mundane role of standard adventurer.



A primitive is actualy considered a very important memeber of a tribe, often being a leader or strong warior.


A tribe of 50 will generally have 2-3 Primals among them.



Primitive tools


Monster corpses or natural resorces.
This is one of the few classes that some countries outlaw by default. There is considered no licence or way to regulate the class or put a cap on its growth as it does not need any services from towns or governments. It can spiral quickly out of control by subdividing into new and specialized classes that can outcompete classic examples.
Other Associated professions


A sparsely clothed man stands over a fresh kill letting out a war cry because he will live another day. A tribal hunter ties a string to the ends of a stick to make the first bow so he wont have to throw spears any more. A chief leads his tribe into battle to take back their stolen land. The primitive is by no means inferior to the modern classes, what it lacks in training it makes up for with a strong body and will to survive.   This is a progenitor class meaning it is more effective in the wild and in fledgling civilizations rather than confined in the modern D&D world.   The Primitive is the strong, fast, and hearty progenitor that is always the first to try new foods and sports. You will be the front line between your tribe and the dangers of the world. You will need to be willing to get hurt so you can heal back stronger. Eventually, you will develop a trade that is immensely physical in nature along with a way of fighting that requires a strong body and clear mind. Good luck making the future a better place.
hit dice: 1d12
hit points at 1st level: 12+Constitution modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d12+Consitition modifier
armor proficiencies: primative
weapon proficiencies: primative
tools: primative
saving throws: Con, Str, Dex
skills: Pick two from: Acrobatics, Athetics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
starting equipment:
Clothes made from local material
stone knife
club or quarterstaff
This class has no magic talent or spell-casting capabilities. They may tap into their inner power of ki at higher levels to improve their physical abilities.   You get an amount of ki equal to half your level in primitive rounded down. Ki is recovered after a long rest.
class features:
twelve abilities.  

Primitive Doctrine

  Starting at 1st level, you can make the most out of simple materials and objects. Whenever you kill a creature you can harvest it for body parts and craft new tools with it including armor and weapons. These can replicate any adventuring gear or simple weapon. These often break though and must be regularly replaced   Gathering material You can gather material from the following creature types: Beasts, Giants, Dragons, Monstrosities, and Plants. When you reduce a creature of these types to 0 hit points you can gather an amount of material equal to its hit die. You must spend 1 hour harvesting per hit die and gain an amount of resources equal to what you roll on the hit die plus your proficiency bonus. You may also gather materials from nature by making a survival check with a DC of 10 while in the wilderness. You spend 2 hours doing this regardless of success. On success you gather 1 resource plus 1 for every 5 points of success you have above 10. These resources are equal in crafting value to 5gp per material point and only last 3 days unless you have a way to preserve or store them.   Crafting primitive technology.
  • You can craft any non-magical piece of equipment by using the materials harvested. You must spend a number of material points equal to the cost of the item and 1 hour per material point to make the item. The item has the same properties but only lasts 24 hours. you can spend more materials than the object is worth to make it last longer.
  • You can craft any simple weapon as a primitive weapon using the rules above however these last until they break from use. When using a weapon you have made it will deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus. These weapons have an increasing chance to break the more they are used. The first time they are used they will break if a 1 is rolled to hit. the second time they will break if a 1 or a 2 is rolled to hit. This increases up to 15.
  • You can craft light armor, medium armor, and shields using the same rules as above however these will last until they break from use. While wearing primitive armor you will increase your AC by an additional amount equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down, this does not stack with itself. Each time you get hit there is a chance the armor will break. When you get hit roll 1d20, the first time this happens it will break on a 1, the second time it will break on 1 or 2, and this increased up to a 15.
  • You can repair armor and weapons by using 1 material and 1 hour to repair 5 uses of the weapon or armor.


Starting at the 2nd level you must choose how you want to survive. This comes in the form of Strengthening one aspect of your body at the expense of useing extra resources to support yourself. Choose one of the following options, you will have another opportunity to choose one more at the 8th level  
  • You can go without sleep for 72 hours before gaining a level of exhaustion, however you must eat twice as much as you did before.
  • You gain a climbing and swimming speed equal to your movement speed and can dash while swimming and climbing, however you must drink twice as much water as you did before
  • You gain twice the amount of material from primitive doctrine while taking half as long, however, you must sleep an additional 3 hours to gain the effects of a long rest.
  • You triple your carrying capacity, however, you must eat twice as much as you did before.
  • You gain 15 ft of movement speed and can dash as a bonus action, however you must drink twice as much water as you did before
  • You gain the ability go without food or water for two days before gaining a level of exhaustion, however, you must sleep an additional 3 hours to gain the effects of a long rest.
  • You gain the ability to make martial primative weapons and they last twice as long, however these require double the resources and time to make and repair.

Inner Strength

Starting at the 3rd level you will be able to harness Ki to perform one specific action. This will turn one regular action into a bonus action once per turn, however, you may only choose one action that this works for and only use this feature for that action. You may use this feature on only one action a turn even if you perform the action multiple times per turn. Some examples of actions that you can enhance with Ki are as follows. You may choose an additional use for Ki at the 9th level. At the 17th level you may use the actions as a free action instead of a bonus action once per turn.  
  • Melee attack
  • ranged attack
  • hide
  • observe creature
  • dodge
  • grapple
  • disengage
  • bind weapon
  • tackle
  • throw sand
  • throw weapon
  • shove aside
  • overrun
  • mark
  • tumble
  • dash

Extra attack

Starting at the 4th level anytime you take the attack action you may make one additional attack against the same creature or another creature so long as you use the same weapon. You gain an additional attack at 8th 12th and 16th levels.  


Starting at the 5th level you gain resistance to one elemental and one physical damage of your choice. These cannot stack with any other resistances however you cannot become vulnerable to this damage type through any magical means.  

Primal Awareness

Starting at the 6th level you gain proficiency in Perception, and use double your proficiency bonus for Perception checks that are done outside of a artificial structure. If you are already proficient in Perception, you can choose one of the following skills: Survival, Animal Handling, Stealth or Athletics.  

Primitive Trade

Starting at the 6th level you will be able to start a unique trade apart from your primitive doctrine. You gain proficiency with one set of tools that requires a dexterity or strength check to use. Items, weapons, and armor made using these tools will not degrade or break according to primitive doctrine rules and you have the ability to teach other members of your tribe to use these tools effectively. You also gain proficiency to use any items you make in this way, refer to crafting rules for instructions on how to make items in your world/campaign. At the 14th level, you may choose an additional trade to aquire.  

Primitive Fighting Style

Starting at the 7th level you will choose a fighting style that suits your needs. Each one gains additional features at the 11th and 15th levels. These are the ancestors of modern physical classes and reflect their core traits.   Overwhelming Strength: When using a melee weapon you only attack once per attack action even if you have extra attacks. Instead, gain +1 to hit and to damage for every extra attack. Starting at the 11th level you may use two-handed weapons with one hand. Starting at the 15th level you may use a bonus action to upgrade the hit die of any melee weapon you are using by one hit die, however, if you fail to hit you will break your weapon.   Defensive focus: When using a shield gain an additional +1 AC. Starting at the 11th level you may use your action to cause an opponent to lose one attack if they start their turn adjacent to you. Starting at the 15th level you may use a reaction to roll a hit die and subtract that amount from any adjacent opponent's non-spell melee attack.   Clever Hunter: When you attack a surprised creature you gain an additional attack die equal to your weapons attack die. Starting at the 11th level you gain an additional attack die against any creature you have advantage on, this stacks with your surprise die. Starting at the 15th level you gain an additional attack die against any creature that is adjacent to at least two other creatures that are hostile towards it, this stacks with your other additional dice.   Wrathful warrior: When you take damage you may deal additional damage equal to your strength on your next successful attack, this does not stack and expires after one minute of not taking damage. Starting at the 11th level after you take damage you gain resistance to that damage type until you take a different kind of damage or until one minute passes without taking damage. Starting at the 15th level after a creature makes an attack against you, you gain advantage on your next attack to against that creature, this dose not stack and expires after one minute of not taking damage.   Ranged Death: When you make a ranged attack against a creature add +1 to hit and +1 to damage for every 10ft of distance between you and your target up to the normal range of your weapon. Starting at the 11th level add 50% max range to both the normal and long range of any ranged weapon you use. Starting at the 15th level any weapon you use is considered throwable without disadvantage up to a range of 15 ft.  

Superior Genes

Starting at the 10th level you gain resistance to poison if you didn't have it already, as well as the ability to shrug off disease and sickness by paying a flat one-time cost of 25 HP. Your body is inhospitable to parasite, resistant to curses, and has an increased lifespan.  

Thick Scars

Starting at the 13th level any time you are reduced to below 10% HP in a real fight you may regain 10% of your max health as temporary hitpoints. This feature cannot be used again until after a long rest. Starting at the 18th level you may choose to not gain temporary HP and instead gain a permanent +1 to your max HP after this feature is used and you heal during your long rest.  

Primal Hero

Starting at the 20th level you are looked up to as a legend among your people for paving the way to civilization with raw strength and determination. In recognition of this achievement, you create a custom class feature with your DM. This must reflect your life up to this point and will become a new feat in the world that will carry your name and story with it.
subclass options:
LevelProficiencyFeatureKi points
1+2Primitive Doctrine0
3+2Inner Strength1
4+2Abilty Score Improvment, Extra Attack2
6+3Primal Awareness, Primitive Trade3
7+3Primitive Fighting Style3
8+3Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack, Foundations4
9+4Inner Strength4
10+4Superior Genes5
11+4Primitive Fighting Style5
12+4Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack,6
13+5Thick Scars6
14+5Primitive Trade7
15+5Primitive Fighting Style7
16+5Ability Score Upgrade8
17+6Inner Strength8
18+6Thick Scars9
19+6Ability Score Improvement9
20+6Primal Hero


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