extra-world Gate Building / Landmark in west continent | World Anvil
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extra-world Gate

Where everything good/ and everything evil in this world came from.

Written by c0mlink

The gate to the old world. forever closed without the sword of creation to activate the gate magic. It rests in the middle of a mushroom forest, on the northern part of the west continent. inside is the only place that the sword of creation can be remade by putting together the 3 world treasures on the keystone. it's said the old world has many enemies, and the god of that world wishes distruction.  

Purpose / Function

to open the gate put the three world items on the keystone and take the sword of creation.


as time went on a fortification was made around this place to protect it. and later a necromancer made it her home.
100-2750 and 3000-5000
Alternative Names
creation cave, eden, sacred origin.


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