Pearlgold Material in West-Argo | World Anvil
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A.k.a. Truegold

Pearlgold is an extremely valuable material in West-Argo. It has some very special properties, but is unknown to the vast majority of the populance in West-Argo, especially in the Third Age of the Man.


Material Characteristics

Pearlgold is a mat white metal when stable, almost like it comes brushed out of the ground. It is mostly heavy to the hand, being more then twice as heavy as gold.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Pearlgold is a special metal. No other metal holds magic energy as well in it's place as pearlgold does, with the metal being able to store more then twenty times more magic per square centimeter then normal gold does.

The metal does have two states it can be in regarding it's relation to magic.
  1. When the metal lies upon a Semaw and has no damage in it's Trueshell there, it is called stable. Stabe pearlgold can store magic for any amount of time without leaking. Note that there is no way outside of physically looking in the sub-ethereal state of the metal to distinguish charged pearlgold for non-charged, and thus empty pearlgold.
  2. When the metal lies upon a Semaw but has damage in it's Trueshell there, it has what's called a mana-leak. Depending on the nature of the wavelenght it's exact effects can range, but it forms in that the metal will manifest this magic in the material plane on it's own, a unique ability, making the element practically the only element in existance that can "cast magic" without any concious input.
Elvish Sword,

possibly once belonging to High Senator Nicapherios, early 16th century AoC

Pearlgold, gold, brass, mithril, adamantium, petrified oak, rubies, and petrified seal's blood.
Boiling / Condensation Point
11.000 °C
Melting / Freezing Point
6.500 °C
39.55 g/cm3
Common State


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