Zagros, Painter of Magnificence Character in Wayfarers | World Anvil
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Zagros, Painter of Magnificence

Zagros is an older human, somewhere in his late 50's. While not physically intimidating, the balding man often has a look of determination on his slightly wrinkled face, his remaining grey hair and beard showing not only his age, but his experience. He wears a rather fancy set of dark grey and purple robes, trimmed with golden etching. Over this sits a shiny scaled tunic, polished to a gleaming finish. Slung over his back is a rather large and strange object. Almost a staff but with bristles at one end, a large paint-brush.   An artist by trade, Zagros once belonged to a prestigious guild of artists. His desire to create masterful works of art was his driving passion, hoping one day to have one of his pieces adorn the halls of the great vault, where the most priceless works the guild had created were kept. These dreams were dashed quickly, however when the headmaster of the guild, and the only one with access to the vault and knowledge of it's actual location, disappeared one day and was never seen or heard from again. Zagros could not simply let the history of his guild be lost to time and set out to discover the fate of his headmaster, with the help of one of the guild's most prized treasures; The Brush of Creation, said to house the soul of a being forged at the dawn of time, it's strokes capable of changing the very fabric of reality itself.

old guy who paints stuff

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