Vhaeraun Character in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Vhaeraun (pronounced: /veɪˈrɔːn/ vay-RAWN), also called the Masked Lord, the Masked God of Night, The Shadow, and, less frequently, the Shadow Lord, the Masked Mage and the Lord of Shadow is the drow god of drow males, thievery, territory, shadow magic, spellfilchers, and evil activities on the surface, aimed to further drow goals, interests, and power there. Vhaeraun is the son of Araushnee and Corellon Larethian. He holds the unique view among drow that males and females are equally valuable and is primarily prayed to by those drow males who seek a better life than slavery under the matriarchy of Lolth and those who oppose it.

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