Stationers' Guild Organization in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Stationers' Guild

Stationers' Guild

Located in the city of Waterdeep, this guild consists of those artisans who make both parchment paper and the cheaper rough-finished variety known in Waterdeep as "scrip". The guild also produces its own ink, blotters, colored waxes for seals, gilt ink for use in illuminating documents, metal pen nibs, and the like. It also imports many large feathers from the South for use as fine quill pens. All guild members have their own secret recipes for preparing special paper, but the guild does supply its members with fine parchment (made in Stationers Hall) and the other products of their trade, at a discount.   Their livery consists of white robes, with a black quill pen on the breast.   

Member Dues

Members are required to pay a one time entry fee of 15 gp. On top of that, they make a monthly payment of 1 gp.
Guild, Professional

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