Spires of the Morning Building / Landmark in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Spires of the Morning

Spires of the Morning   The Spires of the Morning is a temple to Lathander in the Sea Ward near the northern spur of Mount Waterdeep in Waterdeep.  


Built of pink marble, this three-story cathedral is capped by seven spires of copper, gold, and silver that gleam with the reflected glory of dawn's first light.  


The Spires of the Morning is led by High Radiance Ghentilara, as of 1374 DR, and her ambitious underling Prior Athosar. More than 300 clerics of the Morninglord are based at the temple, most of them housed within a few blocks of the cathedral.  


In addition to the clergy, the Spires of the Morning is an important base for the Order of the Aster.  


Constructed in 998 DR, the earliest construction on this site was a temple and monastery of Lathander located originally outside the city. Thirteen years later, in the Year of the Defiant Mountain (1011 DR), the Spires of Morning was dedicated. In 1101 DR, it became a part of the city when Waterdeep's walls were expanded to contain it and provide more room for the growing population.    It was destroyed by fire in 1345 DR during the Night of Temple Fires, but was rebuilt within a year.
Cathedral / Great temple

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