Red Sashes Organization in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Red Sashes

The Red Sashes

The Red Sashes are a vigilante group that is based in Waterdeep 


The individual cells of the Sashes, one for each ward of the city, answer to an authority known only as "The One".  


Not an impulsive or excessively violent group, the Red Sashes aim to arrest the guilty and free the innocent, typically when the City Watch has failed in these aims.  


Prospective members are approached by the Red Sashes and are forced to swear a loyalty oath to "The One". These invitations are only given after approval of the member is reached after much observation. Members are not allowed to reveal any secrets of the group to outsiders and have to pay a membership fee of 5 gp /per month.  

"The One"

Only a few of the Lords of Waterdeep are aware of "The One's" true identity. These included Mirt, Kitten, Nindil, Sammereza and, before his death, Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun

Notable Members

  • Balkin
  • Surrolph Hlakken
  • Naneatha Lharilstar
  • Jurisk Ulhammond


The Red Sashes were formed by Durnan in 1312 DR to fulfill his own personal needs.
Secret, Brotherhood

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