Most Excellent Order of Weavers and Dyers Organization in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Most Excellent Order of Weavers and Dyers

Most Excellent Order of Weavers and Dyers

A guild in the city of Waterdeep, this group is rich and busy and offends few. Its wares are reasonably priced and its dyes are of high quality - they bleed and stain little and fade only slowly. Guild members will gladly dye garments to order, although patterns and devices must not mock, closely resemble, or duplicate the heraldic devices of the city, Lords, or nobles. A Lords' Edict on this point is strictly obeyed by the guild. Guilds, nobles, and others with a clear legal right to such designs may, of course, order work bearing them from this guild, a process involving a written request bearing as witness Magister's signature. The Order has over 2,000 members, mostly human, and is over half female.  

Notable Members 

  • Lady Master Nixi Ulmond: A small wizened human woman, the Lady Master is always working with something (often crochet hooks or a bit of embroidery). Though she enjoys pretending to be simply someone's doddering, sweet granny, her parlor is in fact a center of intrigue, and joining her for tea has changed the fortunes of entire families before.
Guild, Professional

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