Mind Flayer Species in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayers

Mind flayers, also known as illithids (pronounced: /ɪlˈlɪθɪdz/ il-LITH-idz) meaning "mind flayers" or "mind rulers" in Undercommon), were evil and sadistic aberrations, feared by sentient creatures on many worlds across the multiverse due to their powerful innate psionic abilities. Dwellers of deep Underdark areas, these alien humanoid-looking beings sought to expand their dominion over all other creatures, controlling their minds to use them as hopeless slaves and devouring their brains for sustenance.   Their natural psionic abilities also made mind flayers respected in the eyes of the drow, beholders, duergar, and other dominant races of the Underdark.

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