Material Plane Geographic Location in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Material Plane

The Prime Material plane

The Prime Material plane (also known as the Material Plane) is the plane in which Toril and the surrounding cosmos exist. The phrase "Prime Material plane," or simply the "Prime," IS generally used by beings from other planes in the Forgotten Realms cosmology (notably Sigil), and "prime" was used by the same beings to refer to the inhabitants of Toril
At first it was thought that there was an infinite number of material planes, among them the Prime Material plane, the Abeiran material plane, Oerth's material plane, Krynn's material plane, and the universe in which Earth is located. However, by the mid-14th century DR, it was generally accepted that there is only one material plane (called the Prime Material plane), which contains the crystal spheres of many different worlds separated by the phlogiston.
Dimensional plane

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