Lord Piergeiron Character in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Lord Piergeiron

Piergeiron the Paladinson

Piergeiron the Paladinson (pronounced: /pɪərˈgɪərɒn/ peer-GEER-on) was the Open Lord of Waterdeep throughout most of the 1300s DR and leader of the Lords' Alliance. He lived in Piergeiron's Palace in Waterdeep. Usually, the identities of the Lords of Waterdeep are concealed from the people, but Piergeiron was one of only four whose identities was known during his tenure. He followed in the footsteps of his predecessors, Open Lords Ahghairon, Baeron, and Lhestyn.  
He handles his position and authority with such caring and dedication to his responsibility that the Waterdhavians, even those with personal grudges against him know that they could not find a better man for the position. The only ones who would want to bring harm to this Lord are those against the city itself... As such, he is very safe from Waterdhavians — and his life is threatened by foreign powers, such as Amn, Calimshan, and Luskan, for the same reason; he is so above reproach, and so able in his administration and justice, that the city flourishes.


Piergeiron was a tall, muscular, and strikingly handsome man with a firm jaw, and dark eyes. His hair was curly slightly greying at the temples, adding to the man's regal aura.  


Piergeiron did not speak very often, understanding the tact of silence, and when he did, he spoke very slowly weighing his every word. This led to some of those around him nicknaming him "the Thickskull," although never in his presence. He was aware of the nickname, however, sometimes even laughing about it. Piergeiron used this misconception of his mental capabilities to his advantage. Having his political enemies underestimate him led to often made slip-ups in the negotiations, giving the Open Lord an upper hand.    Piergeiron did not fear battle, he was quite capable of defending himself thanks to years of service prior to his life as a ruler. He preferred diplomacy to battle, but when he was pressed into a physical confrontation he fought with the knowledge he was blessed by his god.  


Every year on Aghairon's Day, Lord Piergeiron continued the tradition of stopping by a number of inns, taverns, and other establishments in order to offer his good will and best wishes to the Waterdhavian people.  


Piergerion's father Athar, "the Shining Knight", was famed for slaying the great red wyrm Kistarianth the Red. his first wife, Shaleen, to whom he was married in his youth, died. Piergeiron's second marriage was to Maethiira, but she died as well in the Year of Moonfall, 1344 DR, leaving him with one daughter, Aleena Paladinstar, who left Waterdeep to explore the planes. Due to his position of power in Waterdeep, being above the guild law, he made a lot of enemies, including the Master Mariners' Guild. Due to a number of potential threats, and several very real assassination attempts, Piegeiron was personally guarded by Madeiron Sunderstone, referred to as the "Champion of Piergeiron." Lord Piergeiron maintained strong ties with the royal family of the Moonshae Isles and was even an attendee at the wedding of Queen Alicia Kendrick.  


Piergerion's favorite steed was Dreadnought. He wore a set of full plate mail armor, his magical shining shield +1, decorated with a warhammer, and golden scales of Tyr atop its head. His holy avenger sword called Clamorour was inherited from Piergerion's father Athar. Another notable holy avenger sword of his was Halcyon, a beautiful blade decorated with filigreed etchings, extremely effective against doppelgangers.  


Piergeiron was born to Athar, the Shining Knight, the Arm of Tyr, a famous adventurer, and a paladin whose reputation saw spread throughout the entire Northland. The rumors floated all around the Sword Coast claiming that Athar was once a Lord of Waterdeep, but the truth of the matter remained elusive. A lot of people had said that Piergeiron was destined for the position of the Lord of Waterdeep himself ever since his childhood.   Piergeiron believed that he would serve Tyr better by not wandering the lands adventuring, but by establishing a strong central location. After creating a name for himself with heroic deeds and a career in the City Guard, he gained great favor with then Open Lord Lhestyn. Lord Lhestyn designated the brave paladin as his successor; upon the former's death in the Year of the Shadowtop, 1314 DR, Piergeiron accepted the position of the Open Lord of Waterdeep. Even Piergeiron's critics quickly came to understand and appreciate the young Lord's value. He became beloved by the general populace of Waterdeep for his diligence and ethics.    Piergeiron was severely wounded in the Year of the Harp, 1355 DR, when Amril Zoar of the exiled noble family maliciously attacked the Lords of Waterdeep, killing two others at the same time.  
Matters of rulership in the Realms are never simple. If you think they are, there's something you've missed. Look behind you quickly, and if no dagger's coming at you, turn back and look again. Harder. — Piergeiron the Paladinson
  In the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, during the Time of Troubles, a purported avatar of Selûne arrived in Waterdeep. Piergeiron and Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun covertly watched her arrival at the House of the Moon, while discussing the need for caution. The avatar was later invited to a party at Castle Waterdeep, which was attended by Piergeiron and Khelben. Fenn Estelmer introduced Kyriani to Piergeiron, and she shared her concerns. While she spoke more with Khelben, the Dark Army of the Night crashed the party, seeking to kidnap the avatar. Piergeiron ordered the City Guard to stop them, though the avatar took care of them herself. Afterward, Kyriani confronted the avatar They fought a spell-battle, only stopped when Piergeiron intervened, commanding even the goddess to restrain herself. He had the City Guard apprehend Kyriani.   Later, a group of lawyers approached Lord Piergeiron with an offer. The lawyers promised to streamline the handling of civil disputes as these took up increasing amounts of the Lord's Court's time. They pushed Piergeiron for an agreement and he unwisely and hastily agreed, signing a contract between the lawyers and the city. Furthermore, Piergeiron received his own attorney. However, the lawyers were more interested in the letter of the law, while Piergeiron simply made rulings based on their recommendations. Khelben hatched a plan to force the lawyers to renege on their contract and evict them from the city.    Piergeiron was noted as being "well past 50 winters" at the end of the Year of the Shield, 1367 DR, but his actual age was unknown. In the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, during Halaster's Higharvestide, Piergeiron slew Kistarianth the Red when the dragon rose again as a dracolich. As of a century later, his great feat was still celebrated on Kythorn 20 as the Waterdhavian holiday known as Dragondown.    Still holding the seat of the Open Lord of Waterdeep in the Year of the Haunting, 1377 DR, Lord Piergeiron was in the middle of a lavish wedding ceremony to Eidola of Neverwinter (who looked a lot like the lord's long-lost love Shaleen), a descendant of the hero Boareskyr. The marriage was meant to bring prosperity to both Waterdeep and the Boareskyr family by establishing a profitable caravan route to Kara-Tur, crossing the Boareskyr Bridge. In a swirl of conspiracies and murder attempts by ravenous doppelgangers and treacherous members of the Master Mariners' Guild, the wedding was interrupted by a cloud of darkness and a group of summoned basal golems who abducted the bride and disappeared with her into the faraway Utter East. Following the events of the failed wedding, Piergeiron fell mysteriously ill to his daughter's great distress. Aleena Paladinstar joined the rescue team assembled by Khelben Arunsun to rescue both Eidola and Piergeiron himself.
In the Year of the Lost Keep, 1379 DR, Piergeiron the Paladinson died in office of age and ill health, after several assassination attempts at the hands of those increasingly impatient to replace him with their various stooges.

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