Kraken Society Organization in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Kraken Society

The Kraken Society

The Kraken Society is a secret society of thieves, assassins, and mages in the Savage Frontier. Its goal is to maintain an information network throughout the North, and it is secretly led by the kraken, Slarkrethel. It has its headquarters in the Purple Rocks, and their main fortress in the ruins of Ascarle.   


The Kraken Society's far-reaching organization began in the cities of the North. Some time after the War of the Silver Marches in the late 15th century DR, the dragon Iymrith contacted agents of the society for aid. Slarkrethel ordered its followers to go along with the dragon's plans, by slaying the storm giant Queen Neri and capturing King Hekaton.
Secret, Brotherhood

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