Great Sea Geographic Location in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Great Sea

The Great Sea

The Great Sea, known as Bahr al-Kibar in Zakhara, is one of the larger seas of Toril, lying between the continents of Faerûn and Zakhara, and, after the SpellPlague of 1385 DR, between those two continents and the new continent of Laerakond.  


The sea stretches from the southern coastline of the Chultan Peninsula in Faerûn to the northern coastline of Zakhara, narrowing far to the east where Faerûn and Zakhara join. It is roughly triangular in shape, nearly 2000 miles (3200 kilometers) long along the northern shore and almost as wide in the west. It joins the Trackless Sea in the west south of the Chultan Peninsula, but it is unclear where exactly the border is defined. After the Spellplague of 1385 DR, the continent of Laerakond appeared in its northern boundary.   In the far east, the Golden Water in the Shining Lands of southeast Faerûn is considered an arm of the Great Sea. South of it, the sea lashed against the dry rugged shore of the Utter East, leaving in its wake whirlpools and maelstroms.  


In Faerûn, the Great Sea laps at the southern shores of the lands of Halruaa, Dambrath, Luiren, and the Shining Lands of Durpar, Estagund, and Var the Golden. Nimbral is the most notable island in the Great Sea. Other known islands far out in the Great Sea on the Faerûnian side are, from west to east, the Beacon Rocks (barren islands), the Stormtails (an island chain), the Shipgrave Isles (an island chain), the Red Giant, Ward's Islands (three islands), the White Rocks (a single island), Naarlith (four small islands), Far Nermoree (two small islands), and the Realm of Tides off the coast of the Utter East.   In Zakhara, the eastern tip of the Sea's shore touch the Land of the Yak-Men. It runs to the southwest along the area of the city-states of North Zakhara, then at the edge of the High Desert beyond the Mountains of the Lizard's Tongue, and presumably on to mysterious Akota. Two groups of islands lay within the Great Sea on the Zakharan side: the Corsair Domains, and under variably strong Qudran influence, the Dancer, the Bird, the Fortress, Lahib, and Dahab Island. In Laerakond, the southern edge of the Dragon Sea, as well as the southern shores of the Dusk and Windrise Ports, and the Daggertooth Isle are located in the waters of the Great Sea.  


The Great Sea is heated by strong warming ocean currents. These keep it noticeably warm south of Halruaa and in the eastern end, but here the sea cools the land of Ulgarth and breezes off the sea provided cooler nights in Dambrath. Deadly winter storms hurtle north into Faerûn, such as into the Shining Lands and Dambrath. Such storms are caused when warm humid air from over the ocean is blown onto the land and up the sides of the coastal mountain ranges, leading to frequent, furious thunderstorms.  


Dolphins are found in the Great Sea. When a major storm comes north, they seek shelter in the Bay of Dancing Dolphins in Dambrath.  


In the Year of the Agate Hammer, 1174 DR, Dambrathan pirates went along the shore of the Great Sea, attacking and raiding the coastal cities of Durpar, Estagund, and Veldorn. Seeking new realms and riches, Durpari merchants went across the Great Sea and discovered the continent of Zakhara. The sea's currents and the habits of its storms were still being learned as of 1367 DR.  


Beneath the waves dwell sea elves of a distinct ethnic type, having deep-green skin coloration and irregular brown patches and stripes.    There are also a large number of pirates and corsairs that operate out of the Great Sea. They are a menace to the trading organizations of coastal and port cities around the area. Sometime around the year 1372 DR, these pirates began operating with a cooperation and coordination that was unusual for their kind. This included obtaining exact information on naval shipments and sailing patterns and extorting protection payments from the other pirates with whom they were colluding.  


Most of those who ventured across the Great Sea around 1367 DR were Zakharan adventurers and merchants in search of new lands and markets. However, Zakharan corsairs also harassed the eastern waters of the Great Sea. In turn, some Dambraii merchants went across to Zakhara, and their own pirates raided far and wide. Circa 1367 DR, most travel on the Great Sea went to Halruaa and points further west. However, merchants plying the Great Sea visited the port of Beluir in Luiren to buy up produce and local handiworks by 1372 DR. Halruaan skyships can by seen flying over the waters of the Great Sea.  


In the legend of the Last March of the Giants, the fallen star that formed the Sea of Fallen Stars rolled across the land and tumbled into the Great Sea, chased after by a titan king and all his followers. They all disappeared into the depths. In ancient times, the Great Sea was believed to lead to the Lower Planes.

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