Field Ward Settlement in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Field Ward

The Field Ward 

The Field Ward of Waterdeep is an unofficial ward of the city, located between the inner and outer walls on the north side of town. It is in fact the city's slums — possessing the poorest living conditions within the city, is rife with crime, and serves as a home to the most destitute Waterdhavian citizens.  


The ward has muddy, unpaved streets and no sanitation services or working sewer system. It is especially crowded, noisy and foul-smelling — stinking of slaughter-houses, tanneries, and waste. These guild businesses whose industries are rather offensive to the nose and ears are all relegated to the Field Ward, outside the city proper. Many poor elves, half-breeds, servants, homeless squatters, and other disregarded Waterdhavians, such as those with obvious deformities, call this district their home.   The City Watch does not patrol here, but the City Guard watches over the road between the inner and outer gates to protect those passing through.  


Originally a caravan yard during the 14th century DR, the Field Ward was the last destination for the many refugees that came to Waterdeep following the Spellplague.

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