Fellowship of Carters and Coachmen Organization in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Fellowship of Carters and Coachmen

The Fellowship of Carters and Coachmen

The Fellowship of Carters and Coachmen is an association of individuals who own and operate various means of conveyance to earn income within the city of Waterdeep. These include, but are not limited to, those who drive carriages, carts, and sleighs and who carry litters or pull rickshaws to transport others throughout the city streets. Guild members are granted the freedom of inspection by city watchmen, unless under direct order of a magister or City Lord. However, they are not exempt from being searched by the City Guard.  


The Waterdhavian representatives of many caravan companies that operate in the North and Western Heartlands hold membership within the guild. Nobles and other wealthy individuals who own their own carriages, along with skilled individuals who transport their own goods, are not required to keep membership within the guild.  


Entrance fees to the guild vary, depending on ownership of the prospective member. Single cart or litter owners are charged 10 gp and those with multiple means of conveyance are charged 25 gp. Guild dues are a monthly fee of 5 sp.  


The guild's livery consists of navy blue cloaks and long-brimmed caps, both of which are lined with silver.  


For many years, guild members tried to gain a legal monopoly on the transportation of people and goods throughout the city of Waterdeep. These actions were prevented by the Lords during the mid–14th century DR when they explicitly forbade any restrictions on the use or ownership of inter-city conveyances, and the guild gave up in the 1350s DR.
Guild, Professional

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