Enclave of Red Magic Building / Landmark in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Enclave of Red Magic

The Enclave of Red Magic

The Enclave of Red Magic is a Thayan enclave found in the subterranean city of Skullport deep within the Undermountain. Although the enclave is "officially" sponsored by Thay's Guild of Foreign Trade, it is in fact a not-so-covert extension of the will of the Red Wizards. Connected to the Thayan embassy within the Castle Ward of Waterdeep via a non-visible portal, the enclave acts as a "legal" means for the Red Wizards to engage in the sale of magical items, weapons, and even slaves within the city of Waterdeep. This key dynamic is kept secret from the Guild of Foreign Trade, as the Thayan bureaucracy is sure to shut down the operation.   As of 1372 DR, the Lords of Waterdeep are aware of the operations within the embassy and enclave, led by the ambassador of Thay, Ethur Anszim, his agents, and the Red Wizards of the enclave. The city's noble families see these dealings as a threat to their financial interests within the undercity and The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors see the Thayans as infringing upon their sale of magical items.  


Throughout the years, Thay has repeatedly tried to open an enclave within the city of Waterdeep proper, in order to access the natural wealth found in the North. At every attempt, they have been rebuked by the city's Lords, on the grounds of the enclaves' three laws. Because Thayan enclaves are considered sovereign land of the nation of Thay, and as such are free to engage in slavery, the Lords flat-out reject allowing any part of their city be considered part of another country, and do not stand for the sale of people as slaves.   Following years of talks that went nowhere, the agents of Thay took a new approach around 1369 DR following the events of Halaster's Higharvestide. After reviewing city records of the event, the Thayans noted a portal between the Lower Heart ward of Skullport and the Castle Ward. Late in the following year, the Thayan agents convinced the Lord of bones, Shradin Mulophor, to establish an enclave within the subterranean city. Simultaneously, other representatives of Thay were successful in establishing an official embassy within the Castle Ward.   While the embassy was considered sovereign territory of Thay, exempt from Waterdeep's laws, the Red Wizards are careful not to conduct their business within its walls. Anyone who seeks to trade with the Red Wizards are directed to a back room within the embassy, whose archway is, in fact, the portal to Port of Shadows. Anyone unaware of this gateway simply think they are going from one room to another, unaware they are no longer in Waterdeep proper. Any "illicit goods" that are outlawed within Waterdeep's realm, are then delivered to the buyer after they have left the city's walls.
College / Academy

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