Cellarers' & Plumbers' Guild Organization in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Cellarers' & Plumbers' Guild

The Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild

The Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild is a guild in Waterdeep that digs building foundations and maintains Waterdeep's sewer system.  

Base of Operations

The Old Guildhall is located on Gaustus Street in the Trades Ward.  


The guild is employed to dig foundations and maintain the city's sewer system. They keep the sewers well-maintained. They use secret recipes to perform their maintenance duties and order their materials from others rather than making them themselves. Although they don't always do so, the Cellarers and Plumbers have to call the Loyal Order of Street Laborers to fill in any holes that they dig.  


Frequently, the guild digs up valuables and corpses during their excavations. They are required to inform the owner of the property beneath which the objects have been found, but commonly don't bother to do so unless being directly observed by said owner. Rumors are rife that the guild creates nonfunctional pipelines in the sewers in which they hide these things.  


Members of the Carpenters', Roofers', and Plasterers' Guild are seen as "thick-fingered clods" by the Cellarers and Plumbers, but they reserve the majority of their derision for the Loyal Order of Street Laborers, whose formation took profitable work away from the Cellarers and Plumbers.  


In 1356 DR, Orlar Sarluk published a book titled Down the Drain: A Life in the Guild of Cellarers and Plumbers. During the Time of Troubles, a large group of Cellarers were lost in the city's sewers. Unbeknownst to all, they had been transformed into cursts. In 1367 DR, many Cellarers, including the guildmaster, began to be enslaved by the Savants of the Dark Tide. The Cellarers were the only organized group within the sewers, and the aboleths of the Dark Tide wanted to keep them under their control so that their presence in the sewers wouldn't be detected.   In 1479 DR, Laraelra Harsard, daughter of the guildmaster, hired Meloon Wardragon to investigate a problem (namely a collapsed wall) for the guild. That event led Laraelra and Meloon to discovering that Vajra Safahr, the Blackstaff's Heir, was being tortured in a cellar. The two and their allies eventually rescued Vajra.  


Most members of the guild are humans, gnomes, or halflings. However, as of 1479 DR, there are no active halfling members. In spite of their superior skill working with rock, there are relatively few dwarven members of the guild as a result of discrimination by the other races in the guild. The uniform of a Cellarer and Plumber is a deep orange cap and cloak with a red border. They typically wear leather armor and are armed in order to deal with the dangers of the sewers.   Members have to pay five gold pieces to join and guild dues of seven silver pieces per month. In exchange, they are paid two gold pieces per job per day and all of their materials are paid for. Teams are given a ten-gold-piece stipend for food and drink per day, making them the best-paying service guild in the city.   


In 1374 DR, the guildmaster had been Master Plumber Hilithiimm Turnstone for many years and he planned to turn leadership over to his son Jhalossan when he retired. As of 1479 DR, the guild is headed by Malaerigo Harsard, the father of the Blackstaff's Heir Laraelra Harsard.
Guild, Professional

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